Section II. MEASUREMENTS FOR MEN'S CLOTHINGCoat, Men's, Army Band Blue, Specification MII-C-43564.Coat, Men's, Cotton, Wind Resistant Poplin, Specification MIL-4S199.Coat, Men's, Field, M-65, Specification MIL-C-43455.Coat, Men's, Wood, A G-44, Specification MIL-C-13990.Coat, Men's, Wool/Polyester, AG 344, Specification MIL-C-43368.Coat, Men's, Wool/Polyester, AG 344, Specification MIL-C-43368. (Cont)Coveralls.Coveralls, Explosive Handler's, Specification MIL-C-14610.Hood, Armored, Vehicle, Crewman, Specification LP/P DES 30-68.Jackets.Liners.Liner, Jacket, Army Aviation Crewmember, Intermediate, Specification LP/P DES 14-69.Liner, Parka, Man's, Nylon Quitted, OG-106, Specification MIL-L-43466.
Overcoats.Overcoat, Men's, Wool, Gabardine, AG 44, Specification MIL-O-43537.
ParkasRaincoat, Men's, Specification MIL-R-43518. Rainsuit, Lightweight, Specification LP/P DES 7-69.Shirts.Shirts. (Cont)Smocks.Trousers.Trousers. (Cont)Trousers, Men's, Cotton, Specification MIL-T-41834A.Trousers, Men's, Field, Wood, M-1951, Specification MIL-T-1870.Section III. MEASUREMENTS FOR WOMEN'S CLOTHINGCoat, Woman's, Summer, Specification MIL-C-43071. Tolerance for Measurements shall be 1/2 inch.Coat, Women's, Wool, Field, Specifications MILC-43507. The tolerance for all measurements shall be 1/2 inch.Dresses.Hoods.Overcoat, Woman's, Wool Gabardine, AG44. Specification MIL-O-43527Raincoat, Woman's, Specification MIL-R-43501.Skirts.Slacks.Slacks, Women's, Wool, Field, Specification MIL-S-43526.TB-10-8400-252-23 - index