SECTION I. INTRODUCTION - TB-9-2300-280-300004SECTION Il. PROCEDURESTable 2. Tiedown Parts ListFigure 1. Anchor weldings to body panelsFigure 3. Location of anchors, reflectors, and hooks on right side of body on M36, M36A1, M36A2, M36 A2C, M36CFigure 4. Location of anchors, reflectors, and hooks on left side and tallgate Figure 6. Location of reflector mounting holesFigure 9. Location of anchor on tallgate Figure 10. Location of anchors on M342, M342A1, M342A2 trucksFigure 11. Location of anchors on M51, M51A1, M51A2, and M817 truckFigure 12. Location of anchors, hooks, and reflectorsFigure 13. Location of anchors, hooks, and reflectorsFigure 15. Installation of tiedown anchors on trailer side panelFigure 16. Installation of tiedown anchors on trailer front panelFigure 17. Installation of tiedown anchors and reflectors on trailer tailgateFigure 18. Anchor Iocation and reflector mounting dimensions-side panelFigure 19. Anchor location and reflector mounting dimensions-front and rear panelsFigure 20. M332 Trailer side panel, hole locations Figure 21. M332 Trailer Front panel, hole locations Figure 22. M332 Trailer gate panel, hole locations Figure 23. M332 Panel Assembly side Figure 24. M332 Front Panel Assembly, mounting Appendix A: REFERENCES - TB-9-2300-280-300026TB-9-2300-280-30 - index