NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
metals and particular attention shall be given to
damage. Pay particular attention to lubricated fittings
dissimilar metal joints. Equipment exposed to salt
water, water immersion, and fire extinguishing agents
shall be inspected as follows:
j. Examine control boxes for damage and signs of
attention to faceplates, seals, and rubber boots around
toggle switches and knobs.
Solvent, Degreasing
k. Examine shock mounts, mounting racks, cases,
chassis, and cover plates for buckling, disfiguration,
and fire damage. Check painted surfaces for cracks or
a. Remove Corrosion Preventive Compounds,
nicks. Pay particular attention to rubber shock mounts.
MIL-C-81309, MIL-DTL-85054, MIL-L-87177, and
MIL-PRF-16173 with Degreasing Solvent, MIL-PRF-680
l. Disassemble and inspect all components for
smoke and heat damage.
10-7.5.1. Undamaged Items. Items that show no signs
b. Remove all covers, access panels, modules, and
of damage or corrosion shall be functionally checked in
normally removed components.
accordance with the applicable service directives.
Equipment shall be put back into service in accordance
c. Examine the individual items thoroughly for
with established procedures.
evidence of salt water, fire extinguishing agents, smoke,
oil films, heat, and fire damage.
10-7.5.2. Damaged Items. Those items that show
damage shall be repaired as specified by the applicable
d. Examine the individual items for evidence of
service directives.
e. Examine encapsulated and conformal coated
PROCEDURES. The cleaning and preservation
laminated circuit boards for damage caused by salt
procedures shall be as follows:
water, fire extinguishing agents, and cleaning solvents.
Pay particular attention to conformal coatings and circuit
a. Equipment exposed to salt water, water
board laminates that are discolored, softened, or
immersion, or fire extinguishing agents and cleaned at
the Organizational/Unit Maintenance Activity, shall be
f. Examine electrical cables, wires, and harnesses
corrosion removal and preservation shall be as specified
solvents. Pay particular attention to any signs of softened
or cracked wire coating.
b. Equipment exposed to salt water, water
immersion, or fire extinguishing agents and not cleaned
g. Disassemble and inspect electrical connectors
at the Organizational/Unit Maintenance Activity, shall
particular attention to seals and gaskets.
(1) Where possible, use the primary cleaning
h. Examine hermetically scaled components for
damage and signs of deterioration from cleaning
solvents. Pay particular attention to hermetically sealed
(2) For equipment to be put back into service,
pressurized equipment. Broken sealed units shall be
Preserve as
forwarded to next higher level of maintenance if
considered beyond local repair capability.
(3) For equipment to be sent to depot for
i. Examine electric motors, generators, inverters,
processing, dry and preserve as specified in paragraph
10-15/(10-16 Blank)