TM 1-1680-354-10
Loosen the leg bracket screw. Turn the leg bracket end-for-end, thread the freshwater hose back through
it, and retighten the screw (View C).
Wrap the strap around your leg (refer to View D for this and remaining steps).
Remove and save caps from hoses.
Drop the intake hose (with weighted filter) and brine return hose into your water source. To keep air out of
the hoses, be sure the filter is completely submerged.
Hold the separate (smaller) product hose in one hand, away from your mouth, and begin pumping. Pump
in a relaxed and steady manner, lifting the handle all the way up and pushing it all the way down. A rate of
about 40 strokes per minute is best.
The first water produced will contain biocide or salt. This is normal: just discard this initial supply of water.
Two to three minutes of pumping should clear any saltiness or biocide.
When the water is cleared, place the freshwater hose directly into your mouth or a suitable container and
continue pumping.
If you stop pumping temporarily, the water will taste slightly salty for a few minutes when
your resume.