TM 1-1680-361-10
0013 00-2
0013 00
Pilots should limit forward airspeed to 60 knots and
only exceed this speed if required by the tactical
situation. Pilots/crew should monitor the status of
the rescuee. If the rescuee falls from his/her seating
he/she will be retained by the SRT, however the
rescuees lower body/legs may be lower than the
landing gear. Ensure he/she is clear of the landing
gear before landing.
The Safety Restraint Tether is ONLY FOR USE IN
EMERGENCY SITUATIONS and must be kept in
serviceable condition. Aircrew practice of SRT
attachment to the aircraft will be limited to non-
operating aircraft, fully parked in an approved
landing or tiedown area. The SRT is intended to be
used with the extraction harness of the AIRSAVE
(or the SARVIP and the SRU-21/P when modified
with extraction harness). Use with other systems
may result in injury.
The Safety Restraint Tether has a rated strength of
3000 pounds and a one-time pull test strength of
5000 pounds. Do not use the tether if any of the bar
tacks is loose, frayed, or missing. Do not use the
tether if the nylon webbing is worn, frayed, cut, or
has been soaked by POL products. Turn it in and
get a new tether.