Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-10-3510-208-120023Figure 1-1. Laundry Unit, Left Front, Three-Quarter View, With Shipping Dimensions (Eidal Model ELT9T)Figure 1-2. Laundry unit right rear, three-quarter view (Eidal Model ELT9T).Figure 1-3. Laundry unit, left front, three-quarter view with shipping dimensions (Edro Model EP12-LTU).Figure 1-4. Laundry-unit right rear, three-quarterview (Edro Model EP120-LTU).Tabulated Data - TM-10-3510-208-120028Water Heater.Figure 1-5. Dryer-tumbler wiring diagram.Figure 1-6. Water heater wiring diagram.Figure 1-7. Air compressor wiring diagram.Figure 1-8. Electrical Generator/External Power SchematicTable 1-1. Bolt, Capscrew and Nut Torque Wrench SpecificationsChapter 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3510-208-120035Figure 2-1. Controls and instruments (engine-generator).'TM 10-3510-208-12' by LOGSA - Page 1 of 303Figure 2-2. Water heater, controls and intruments (sheet 2 of 2).Figure 2-2. Water pump controlsAir compressor, controls and instrumentsFigure 2-5. Washer-extractor, controls and instruments (sheet 1 of 2).Figure 2-5. Washer-extractor, controls and instruments (sheet 2 of 2).Tumbler, controls end instruments (sheet 1 of 2)Tumbler, controls end instruments (sheet 2 of 2)Figure 2-7. Load conncetions.Figure 2-8. Voltage selection.Figure 2-9. Generator electrical starting controls.Manual StartingFigure 2-10. Generator manual starting controls.Air Compressor. Figure 2-11. Air compressor starting.Tumbler Starting Instruction.Washer-ExtractorGenerator Operation. Table 2-2. List of WeightsCHEMICAL PROTECTIONTable 2-4. Wool Wash Formula for Manual OperationTable 2-5. Timing Cycles and Drying TemperaturesFormula II.Formula IV. Formula VI. Formula VIII.Stopping the Generator.Section Il. OPERATION OF AUXILIARY EQUIPMENTOperation in Extreme Heat (Generator Set )Laundry Unit Operation in Extreme ColdChapter 3. OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection II. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESOPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESGenerator SetControls and Instruments - TM-10-3510-208-120073Controls and Instruments - TM-10-3510-208-120074Tumbler fuel pressure gageAir pressure gage Washer water temperature gageSection Ill. TROUBLESHOOTINGTable 3-2 TroubleshootingBURNER FLAME FAILSBURNER SMOKESSection IV. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESWater Pump PrimingFigure 3-7. Extractor-washer drive belt adjustmentFigure 3-8. Extractor-washer drive belt adjustment (Edro Model EP120-LTU).Figure 3-9, Magnetic Valve AdjustmentAir Compressor Air FilterFigure 3-11. Air compressor air filter service.Chapter 4. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3510-208-120089Figure 4-1. Installation of lines, hoses, and ductsSection Il. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORKSITESection Ill. REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120094ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120095ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120096ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120097ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120098ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120099ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120100ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120101ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120102ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120103ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120104Table 4-2 TroubleshootingFigure 4-4. Water heater fuel pump and fuel filter service.Figure 4-5. Fuel filter and bracket, removal and installtion.AIR HEATER FUEL PUMP FAILS TO DELIVER FUELAIR OR WATER HEATER FUEL PUMP NOISYFigure 4-7. Fuel pressure gage and water temperature gage, removal and installationFigure 4-8. Fuel pump adjustment.Figure 4-9. Dryer tumbler burner nozzle, removal and installtionFigure 4-10. Tumbler burner eketrode setting and nozzle details.PULSATING FLAMEFigure 4-11. Water pump and motor assembly, removal and installation.Figure 4-12. Water pump and motor assembly, disassembly and reassembly.WATER PUMP FAILS TO ROTATEWASHER-EXTRACTOR WILL NOT CHANGE PHASES OF OPERATIONFigure 4-15. Washer motor base guide rods, air pistons, microswitch, and spring, removal and installation (Eidal Model ELT9T).Figure 4-16. Washer motor base guide rods, air piston, microswitch and spring, removal and installation (Edro Model EP120-LTU).Figure 4-17. Washer-extractor door and limit switch, removal and installation.Figure 4-18. Tumbler control box components and controls, removal and installation.Figure 4-19. Cylinder motor, brackets, tumbler temperature control and temperature exhaust thermometer, removal and installation.Section VI. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSIONSection VII. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE-GENERATORFigure 4-22. Engine-generator, removal and installation.Section Vlll. TRAILERSection IX. HOSE GUARD, DRAIN BIN, STORAGE CYLINDER BOX,Figure 4-25. Drain bin removal and installationFigure 4-26. Storage cylinder box, removal and installation.Figure 4-27. Tool box, removal and installation.Figure 4-28. Main drive guard, removal and installation.Figure 4-29. Washer Extractor Main Drive Guard removal and installation.Figure 4-30. Jackshaft guard, removal and installation. (Eidal Model ELT9T). - TM-10-3510-208-120135Figure 4-30. Jackshaft guard, removal and installation. (Eidal Model ELT9T). - TM-10-3510-208-120136Drain Hose AssemblySection X. GENERATOR EXHAUST DUCT AND GROUND ROD - TM-10-3510-208-120138Section X. GENERATOR EXHAUST DUCT AND GROUND ROD - TM-10-3510-208-120139Figure 4-35. Washer-extractor tiedown bar, removal and installation (Eidal Model ELT9T).Figure 4-36. Washer-extractor tiedown bar, removal and installation (Edro Model EP120-LTU).Washer-Extractor SupportsFigure 4-38. Rear washer-extractor support (Edro Model EP120-LTU). - TM-10-3510-208-120143Figure 4-38. Rear washer-extractor support (Edro Model EP120-LTU). - TM-10-3510-208-120144Section XII. TUMBLER BURNER FUEL FILTER, FUEL PUMP, AND BLOWER ASSEMBLYFigure 4-40. Tumbler burner fuel filter, removal and installation.Figure 4-41. Tumbler burner fuel filter, disassembly and reassembly.Figure 4-42. Tumbler burner fuel pump and line, removal and installation.Disassembly. - TM-10-3510-208-120149Figure 4-43. Tumbler burner fuel pump, disassembly and reassembly.Cleaning. - TM-10-3510-208-120151Figure 4-44. Tumbler burner blower assembly, removal and installation.Section XIII. WATER PUMP, FRAME AND SWITCHFigure 4-46. Waterpump and motor, disassembly and reassembly.Cleaning. - TM-10-3510-208-120155Installation. - TM-10-3510-208-120156Figure 4-47. Water pump frame and switch box, disassembly and reassembly.Section XIV. TRANSFORMER, HANDY BOX AND SOLENOIDSection XV. TUMBLER BURNER, EXHAUST MOTOR AND RELATED PARTS, D R I V E MOTOR CONDUIT BOX, DRIVE MOTOR AND R E L A T E D PARTSFigure 4-50. Tumbler burner assembly, removal and installation.Figure 4-51. Tumbler burner assembly, disassembly and reassembly (sheet 1 of 3).Figure 4-51. Tumbler burner assembly, disassembly and reassembly (sheet 2 of 3).Figure 4-51. Tumbler burner assembly, disassembly and reassembly (sheet 3 of 3).Assembly. - TM-10-3510-208-120165Figure 4-52. Exhaust motor mounting plate and pulley, removal and installation.Tumbler Drive Motor Conduit Box and Related PartsCleaning. - TM-10-3510-208-120168Section XVI. TEMPERATURE EXHAUST THERMOMETER, TUMBLER AIR TEMPERATURE CONTROL, EXHAUST FAN, BRACKET AND JACKSHAFTExhaust Fan, Bracket and JackshaftFigure 4-56. Tumbler exhaust fan assembly, removal and installation.Section XVII. GENERATOR TO WATER PUMP SWITCH BOX, OUTLET DUPLEX BOX, COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY AND COMPRESSOR STARTER SWITCHFigure 4-57. Water pump switch box and outlet duplex box, removal and installation (sheet 1 of 3).Figure 4-57. Water pump switch box and outlet duplex box, removal and installation (sheet 2 of 3).Figure 4-57. Water pump switch box and outlet duplex box, removal and installation (sheet 3 of 3).Figure 4-58. Water pump switch box, disassembly and reassembly.Generator to Water Pump Switch Box and Outlet Duplex BoxFigure 4-59. Outlet duplex box, disassembly and reassembly.Cleaning - TM-10-3510-208-120179Figure 4-60. Air compressor, removal and installation.Compressor Starter SwitchFigure 4-62. Compressor starter switch, removal and installationFigure 4-63. Compressor starter switch unit, disassembly and reassembly.Section XVIII. AIR CYLINDER AND RELATED PARTSFigure 4-64. Air cylinder, removal and installationFigure 4-65. Air cylinder, disassembly and reassembly.Air Pressure SwitchDisassembly. - TM-10-3510-208-120188Section XIX. TUMBLER CONTROL PANEL AND RELATED PARTSFigure 4-68. Tumbler controls, removal and installation (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 4-68. Tumbler controls, removal and installation (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 4-68. Tumbler controls, removal and installation (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 4-69. Tumbler controls, disassembly and reassembly (sheet 1 of 2).Figure 4-69. Tumbler controls, disassembly and reassembly (sheet 2 of 2).Section XX. WATER HEATER ASSEMBLY, WATER HEATER PANEL BOARD, Section XX. WATER HEATER ASSEMBLY, WATER HEATER PANEL BOARD, B U R N E R ASSEMBLY, FUEL LINES AND PRESSURE GAGE, V A L V E S , LINES AND FITTINGS, FUEL FILTER AND RELATED PARTSFigure 4-71. Water Heater Assembly, removal and installation.Figure 4-72. Water heater panel board, removal disassembly, reassembly and installation.Disassembly. - TM-10-3510-208-120198Figure 4-73. Burner assembly, removal and installation.Figure 4-74. Water heater burner, assembly, disassembly and reassembly.Figure 4-75. Water heater ignition electrode adjustment.Water Heater Fuel Lines And Pressure GageFigure 4-76. Water heater fuel lines and pressure gage, removal disassembly reassembly and installation.Water Heater Valves, Lines and FittingsFigure 4-77. Water heater valves, lines and fittings, disassemblyAssembly and Installation. - TM-10-3510-208-120206Figure 4-78. Fuel filter and bracket removal and installation.Figure 4-79. Fuel filter, disassembly (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4-79. Fuel filter, disassembly (sheet 2 of 2)Section XXI. WATER HEATER TRANSFORMER, FUEL PUMP, WATER TEMPERATURE GAGE, WATER CONTROL VALVE LINES AND FITTINGS, WATER LEVEL PLATES AND TUBES, AND WATER LEVEL CONTROLFigure 4-80. Water heater transformer, disassembly and reassembly.Cleaning. - TM-10-3510-208-120212Figure 4-81. Fuel pump, removal and installation.Installation. - TM-10-3510-208-120214Disassembly. - TM-10-3510-208-120215Figure 4-83. Water temperature gage, removal and installationFigure 4-84. Water control valve lines, and fittings, remoual and installation.Figure 4-85. Water level plates and tubes, removal disassembly, reassembly and installation.Figure 4-86 Water level control removal and installation.Disassembly. - TM-10-3510-208-120220Figure 4-87. Water level control, disassembly and reassembly.Inspection. - TM-10-3510-208-120222Figure 4-88 Water level indicator and control assembly adjustment.Section XXII. WASHER-EXTRACTOR CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROL BOX COMPONENTSHot Water Switch.Fuseholder.Figure 4-89. Inside washer-extractor upper control box components and controls, removal and installation.Figure 4-90. Inside washer-extractor lower control box components and controls, removal and installation (Eidal Model ELT9T).Figure 4-91. Inside washer-extractor lower control box components and controls, removal and installation (Edro Model EP120-LTU).Warning BellFigure 4-93. Air lines, removal and installationFigure 4-94. Main drive broke assembly, removal and installation.Figure 4-95. Washer-extractor, air cylinder and main drive sheave, removal and installation.Cleaning. - TM-10-3510-208-120234Figure 4-97. Washer door removal disassembly, reassembly and Installation Inspection. - TM-10-3510-208-120236Figure 4-98 Drain valve, drain valve cylinder and controls, removal and installationSection XXIV. WASHER-EXTRACTOR MOTORS, DRIVE HYDROSHEAVE AND RELATED PARTSFigure 4-99. Washer motor, drive belts, and sheave, removal and installation .Figure 4-100. Washer motor, drive belts, and sheave, removal and installation (Edro Model EP120-LTU).Figure 4-101. Drivebelt, adjustment (Eidal Model ELT9T only).Figure 4-102. Drive belt adjustment (Edro Model EP120-LTU).Figure 4-103. Extractor motor, drive belts and sheave, removal and installation (EidalModelELT9T).Figure 4-104. Extractor motor, drive belts and sheave, removal and installation (Edro Model EP120-LTU).Figure 4-105. Hydro-sheave,removal and installation Installation. - TM-10-3510-208-120246Figure 4-106. Hydro-Sheave Drive, Removal and Installation (Edro Model EP120-LTU only).Washer Motor Jackshaft Sheave and Belt GuardFigure 4-108. Jackshaft sheave, and belt guard removal and installation(Edro Model EP120-LTU.Removal. - TM-10-3510-208-120250Figure 4-110. Washer and extractor, motor base guide rode, air pistons, microswitch and spring, removal and installationSection XXV. ELECTRICAL CONDUIT, HEAT EXCHANGER EXHAUSTFigure 4-111. Electrical conduit removal disassembly, reassembly and installation.Inspection and Repair.Figure 4-112. Heat exchanger exhaust duct and retainer.Assembly and Installation. - TM-10-3510-208-120256Figure 4-113. (Generator switch box and outlet box assemblies, removal and installationDisassembly. - TM-10-3510-208-120258Figure 4-114. Generator switch box and outlet box assemblies, disassembly and reassembly.Figure 4-115. Step assembly, removal and installation.Step AssemblyAppendix A: REFERENCESAppendix B: COMPONENTS OF END ITEMS LISTSection II. INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-10-3510-208-120266Section II. INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEM (Cont)Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMSAppendix C: EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTAppendix D: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection II: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection II: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120273Section II: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120274Section II: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120275Section II: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120276Section II: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120277Section II: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120279Section II: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120280Section II: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (Cont) - TM-10-3510-208-120281TM-10-3510-208-12 - index