CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-10-3510-209-10_10REFERENCE INFORMATIONSection II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTIONFIGURE 1-1. M85 trailer-mounted laundry unit component location. (Sheet 1 of 2)FIGURE 1-1. M85 Trailer Mounted Laundry Unit component location. (Sheet 2 of 2)LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS. (CONT)EQUIPMENT DATA.EQUIPMENT DATA. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_17SECTION III. TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONGENERATOR AND POWER DISTRIBUTION BOXCHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3510-209-10_20Figure 2-1. Washer system controls and indicatorsLOCATION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_22Figure 2-2. Dryer system controls and indicatorsLOCATION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_24FIGURE 2-3 . Extractor system controls and indicators FIGURE 2-4 . Water heater system controls and indicatorsLOCATION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_27LOCATION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_28FIGURE 2-6 . Water pump system controls and indicators FIGURE 2-7 . Circuit breaker system controls and indicatorsFIGURE 2-8 . Compressed air system controls and indicatorsSECTION II. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-10-3510-209-10_33INTRODUCTION - TM-10-3510-209-10_34GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - TM-10-3510-209-10_35Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesTable 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services(Continued)Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-209-10_38Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-209-10_39Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-209-10_40Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-209-10_41Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-209-10_42Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-209-10_43Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-209-10_44Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-209-10_45Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-209-10_46Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-209-10_47Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-209-10_48Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-10-3510-209-10_49FIGURE 2-9. Laundry unit transportation mode, without cover. (sheet 1 of 2)FIGURE 2-9. Laundry unit transportation mode, without cover. (sheet 2 0f 2)SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_52SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_53SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_54SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_55SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_56SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_57FIGURE 2-10. Water hose connection diagramSITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_59SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_60FIGURE 2-11. Drain hose connection diagram.FIGURE 2-12. Electrical panel cable connectionSITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_63FIGURE 2-13. Dryer bin removal and installationFIGURE 2-14. Dryer fuel line connections.FIGURE 2-15. Water heater fuel line connectionsSITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_67PREPARATION FOR USEFIGURE 2-17. Exhaust hose connections.PREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_70PREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_71PREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_72FIGURE 2-19. Water heater controls.PREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_74PREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_75PREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_76Figure 2-20. Drying tumbler controlsPREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_78Table 2-2. Control Finger Functions - TM-10-3510-209-10_79Table 2-2. Control Finger Functions - TM-10-3510-209-10_80Figure 2-21. Formula chart removal Figure 2-22 . Formula chart replacementOPERATING PROCEDURES - TM-10-3510-209-10_83Table 2-3. List of WeightsTable 2-3. List of Weights (Continued)Figure 2-23. Controller OPERATING PROCEDURES. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_87OPERATING PROCEDURES. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_88OPERATING PROCEDURES. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_89PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT - TM-10-3510-209-10_90PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_91PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_92PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_93PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_94PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_95PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-209-10_96OPERATING INSTRUCTION ON DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATESFIGURE 2-24. Operating instructions on decals and plates. (sheet 2 of 4) - TM-10-3510-209-10_98OPERATING INSTRUCTION ON DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES.(CONT)FIGURE 2-24. Operating instructions on decals and plates. (sheet 4 of 4)Section IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-10-3510-209-10_101OPERATION IN DUST OR SAND - TM-10-3510-209-10_102CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3510-209-10_103Table 3-1. Symptom IndexWATER PUMP FAILS TO DELIVER WATER.FLAME FAILS IN BURNER (WATER HEATER/DRYER)FUEL PRESSURE TOO HIGH (WATER HEATER/DRYER)FUEL PRESSURE TOO LOW OR FUEL PRESSURE PULSATES (WATER HEATER/DRYER)FUEL PUMP FAILS TO DELIVER FUEL TO BURNER (WATER HEATER/DRYER)FUEL PUMP FAILS TO DELIVER FUEL TO BURNER (WATER HEATER/DRYER).EXTRACTOR BASKET FAILS TO TURNWASHER FILLS WITH WRONG AMOUNT OF WATERWASHER FAILS TO TUMBLE - TM-10-3510-209-10_113WASHER FAILS TO TUMBLE - TM-10-3510-209-10_114Section III. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESWater Heater Air Shutter Assembly Maintenance - TM-10-3510-209-10_116Water Heater Air Shutter Assembly Maintenance - TM-10-3510-209-10_117Drying Tumbler Air Shutter Assembly MaintenanceAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-10-3510-209-10_119TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS. (CONT)APPENDIX B COMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTS - TM-10-3510-209-10_121Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-10-3510-209-10_122Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-209-10_123Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-209-10_124Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-209-10_125Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-209-10_126Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-209-10_127Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-209-10_128Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-209-10_129Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-209-10_130Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-209-10_131Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-209-10_132Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-209-10_133APPENDIX C EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSection II. EXPENDABLE / DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIAL LIST APPENDIX D ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST - TM-10-3510-209-10_136Section II. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST