CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-10-3510-220-10_15Section II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTIONFeaturesLOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTSFigure 1-1. M85-100 trailer-Mounted Laundry unit Component Location (Sheet 2 of 2)LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OP MAJOR COMPONENTS (CONT)EQUIPMENT DATAEQUIPMENT DATA. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_22Section III. TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONGENERATOR AND POWER DISTRIBUTION BOX.CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFigure 2-1. Washer System Controls and IndicatorsLOCATION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_27Figure 2-2. Dryer System Controls and IndicatorsLOCATION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_29Figure 2-3. Extractor system controls and indicatorsFigure 2-4. Water Heater System Controls and IndicatorsLOCATION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_32LOCATION AND USE OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_33Figure 2-5. Water Pump System Controls and IndicatorsFigure 2-6. Circuit Breaker System Controls and IndicatorsFigure 2-7. Compressed Air System Controls and IndicatorsSection II. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)INTRODUCTION. (CONT)GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESTable 2-1. Operator/Crew preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesTable 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-220-10_41Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-220-10_42Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-220-10_43Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-220-10_44Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-220-10_45Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-220-10_46Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-220-10_47Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-220-10_48Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-220-10_49Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-220-10_50Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-220-10_51Table 2-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Continued) - TM-10-3510-220-10_52Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSFigure 2-8. Laundry unit transportation mode, without cover. (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-8. Laundry unit transportation mode, without cover. (Sheet 2 of 2)SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_56SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_57SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_58SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_59SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_60SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_61Figure 2-9. Water Hose Connection DiagramSITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_63SITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_64Figure 2-10. Drain Hose Connection DiagramFigure 2-11. Electrical Panel Cable ConnectionFigure 2-12. DryerBin Removal and InstallationSITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_68Figure 2-13. Dryer Fuel Line ConnectionFigure 2-14. Water Heater Fuel Line connectionSITE SELECTION, SETUP, AND ASSEMBLY. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_71Figure 2-15. Exhaust Duct Removal From Trailer.Figure 2-16. Exhaust Hose Connetions.PREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_74Figure 2-17. Air Tank ControlsPREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_76Figure 2-18. Water Heater ControlsPREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_78PREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_79PREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_80Figure 2-19. Drying Tumbler ControlsPREPARATION FOR USE. (CONT)Table 2-2. Formula ChartFigure 2-20. Formula Chart RemovalOPERATING PROCEDURESOPERATING PROCEDURES. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_86Table 2-3. Lists WeightsTable 2-3. Lists Weights (Continued)Figure 2-21. Controller.OPERATING PROCEDURES. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_90OPERATING PROCEDURES. (CONT)OPERATING PROCEDURES. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_92OPERATING PROCEDURES. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_93PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENTPREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_95PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_96PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_97PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_98PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. (CONT) - TM-10-3510-220-10_99PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT. (CONT).OPERATING INSTRUCTION ON DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES.Figure 2-24. Operating Instructions on Decals and Plates. (Sheet 2 of 4) - TM-10-3510-220-10_102Figure 2-24. Operating Instructions on Decals and Plates. (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 2-24. Operating Instructions on Decals and Plates. (Sheet 4 of 4)SECTION IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSOPERATION IN DUST OR SAND.CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTable 3-1. Symptom IndexWATER HEATER AND DRYER FAIL TO STARTWATER HEATER AND DRYER FAIL TO START.FLAME FAILS IN BURNER (WATER HEATER/DRYER)FUEL 5. FUEL Step 6. Check fire eye for cleanness. a. If fire eye is dirty, clean fire eye. b. If fire eye is not dirty, proceed to next step. Step 7. Check ignition cable assemblies for loose connections at electrode and transformer ends. a. If connections are loose, tighten connections at electrode and transformer ends. b. If connections are not loose, notify your supervisor. PRESSURE TOO HIGH (WATER HEATER/DRYER)FUEL PUMP FAILS TO DELIVER FUEL TO BURNER (WATER HEATER/DRYER)FUEL PUMP FAILS TO DELIVER FUEL TO BURNER (WATER HEATER/DRYER). (Cont)BLACK SMOKE COMES OUT OF BURNER EXHAUST DUCT (WATER HEATER/DRYER)EXTRACTOR BASKET FAILS TO TURNWASHER FILLS WITH WRONG AMOUNT OF WATERWASHER FILLS WITH WRONG TEMPERATURE OF WATERWASHER FAILS TO DRAINSection III. OPERATORS MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESMAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. (CONT)OPERATORS MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. (CONT)MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. (CONT)APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-10-3510-220-10_125A-3. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS. (CONT)APPENDIX B COMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSection II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-10-3510-220-10_128Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-220-10_129Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-220-10_130Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-220-10_131Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3510-220-10_132Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS - TM-10-3510-220-10_133Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS CONT. - TM-10-3510-220-10_134Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS CONT. - TM-10-3510-220-10_135Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS CONT. - TM-10-3510-220-10_136Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS CONT. - TM-10-3510-220-10_137Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS CONT. - TM-10-3510-220-10_138Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS CONT. - TM-10-3510-220-10_139APPENDIX C EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST Section I. INTRODUCTIONSection II. EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTAPPENDIX D ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTSection II. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTTHE METRIC SYTEM AND EQUIVALENTS