TM 10--3510--221--10
0041 00--1
0041 00
The Laundry Advanced System must receive lubrication with approved lubricants at recommended intervals in order to
be mission--ready at all times.
The lubrication chart, Figure 1, shows lubrication points, components to be lubricated, the required lubricant, and
recommended intervals for lubrication. Any special lubrication instructions required for specific components are contained
in the NOTES section of Figure 1.
Recommended intervals are based on normal conditions of operation, temperature, and humidity. When operating under
extreme conditions, lubricants should always be changed more frequently. When in doubt, notify your supervisor.
Keep all lubricants in a closed container and store in a clean, dry place away from extreme heat. Keep container covers
clean and do not allow dust, dirt, or other foreign material to mix with lubricants. Keep all lubrication equipment clean
and ready for use.
Maintain a record of lubrication performed and report any problems noted during lubrication. Refer to DA PAM 738--750
for maintenance forms and procedures to record and report any findings.
Keep all external parts of equipment not requiring lubrication free of lubricants. After lubrication, wipe off excess oil or
grease to prevent accumulation of foreign matter.
Refer to FM 9--207 for lubrication instructions in cold weather.
After operation in mud, sandy, or dusty conditions, clean and inspect all points of lubrication for fouled lubricants. Change
lubricants, if required.
Clean all fittings and the area around lubrication points with a lint free cloth or equivalent before lubricating equipment.
After lubrication, wipe off excess oil or grease to prevent accumulation of foreign matter.
If dust caps are installed, re--install after lubrication is complete.