TM 10-3510-222-24WARNINGCARBON MONOXIDE (EXHAUST GAS) CAN KILL YOUCarbon monoxide is without color or smell, but can kill you. Breathingcarbon monoxide produces symptoms of headache, dizziness, loss ofmuscular control, a sleepy feeling, and coma. Brain damage or deathcan result from heavy exposure. Carbon monoxide occurs in theexhaust fumes of fuel-burning heaters and internal combustion engines.Carbon monoxide can become dangerously concentrated underconditions of no ventilation.Precautions must be followed to ensure operator's safety when theLaundry Unit is in operation.DO NOT operate Laundry Unit in an enclosed area withoutproper ventilation.BE ALERT at all times during operating procedures for carbonmonoxide poisoning. If exposure is present IMMEDIATELYevacuate personnel to fresh air.BE AWARE the field protection mask used for nuclear-biological-chemical attack WILL NOT protect you from carbonmonoxide poisoning.THE BEST DEFENSE AGAINST CARBON MONOXIDE POISONINGIS GOOD VENTILATION.WARNINGELECTRICAL HIGH VOLTAGE CAN KILL YOUElectrical high voltage cannot be seen but it can kill you. Electricity isunlike most other dangerous things you can come in contact withbecause it gives no warning and no symptoms to be wary of. Its effect isimmediate. It can kill you, render you unconscious, or severely burnyou. To ensure your safety and that of other maintenance personnel,always observe the following precautions:DO NOT perform any maintenance on electrical equipmentunless all power is removed.BE CERTAIN that there is someone assisting you who canremove power immediately.ALWAYS place POWER OFF warning tags on power supplyswitches so that no one will apply power while you areperforming maintenance.FOR ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION, REFER TO FM 21-11.a
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