TM 10-3510-224-13&P
0005 00
Set up Water System External Components.
Determine what external water systems components will be needed. This will depend on the availability of freshwater,
and the method of wastewater disposal. If municipal facilities are not available, the CSSL can use water tank trucks for
resupply and wastewater collection trucks for disposal to keep the CSSL in operation. Place the water system
components to be used in position as shown on the following illustration, observing the distances indicated.
If municipal fresh water is not available, employ the 3,000 Gallon collapsible fabric
tank labeled FRESHWATER TANK, with subsequent refilling by tanker. Keep the tank
and freshwater hoses away from wastewater hoses and any wastewater storage in
the vicinity. Serious health problems may result from water contamination Refer to
TM 5-5430-237-12&P for instructions to set up and prepare the tank for operation.
1. Connect the 2 inch freshwater hose (1) to the freshwater entry panel (2) on the container utility wall.
2. Lay out the full length of the hose to the 3,000 Gallon collapsible fabric storage tank labeled DRINKING WATER
ONLY (3).
3. Fill the 3,000 Gallon collapsible fabric storage tank labeled DRINKING WATER ONLY (3) with freshwater.
Ensure that wastewater is properly disposed of either through an approved
municipal sewage system, or collected in the 3,000 Gallon collapsible fabric tank
labeled WASTEWATER TANK, with subsequent evacuation by tanker. Keep
wastewater hoses away from freshwater hoses and any freshwater supply in the
vicinity. Serious health problems may result from water contamination. Refer to TM
5-5430-237-12&P for instructions to set up and prepare the tank for operation.
4. Connect the 2-inch wastewater hose (4) to the wastewater panel (5) on the container utility wall.
5. Lay out the full length of the hose to the 3,000 Gallon collapsible fabric storage tank labeled WASTEWATER
TANK (6), or a designated municipal disposal point (7).
0005 00-9