TM 10-3510-226-10
0002 00
Dryer Endwall
The CBL employs weathertight
wall panels just inside the outer
container end doors. The dryer
endwall has a door with upper and
lower latches that permits access
to the rear of the dryers. The dryer
endwall has a power input panel
and dryer vents.
Dryer Power Entry Panel
The dryer power entry panel is
located on the dryer endwall.
External power is connected to
the power entry panel to operate
the two dryers.
Exhaust Fans
at the top of the dryer endwall.
flow-through ventilation and help
to remove hot air from the
interior of the CBL.
Dryer Vents
The two dryer vents are located
on the dryer endwall. Warm air
from the drying process is vented
outside the CBL.
0002 00-5