Chapter 1. GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATION CONTAINERIZED BATCH LAUNDRYUNIT AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE CONTAINERIZED BATCH LAUNDRY (CBL) GENERAL INFORMATIONPREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENT - TM-10-3510-226-230020LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS - TM-10-3510-226-230021SAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLINGEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-10-3510-226-230023Figure 1. Containerized Batch Laundry (CBL) in Stowed Configuration.Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components.Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230026Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230027Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230028Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230029Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230030Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230031Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230032Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230033Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230034Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230035Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230036Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230037Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230038Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230039Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230040Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230041EQUIPMENT DATA - TM-10-3510-226-230042THEORY OF OPERATION - TM-10-3510-226-230043Source Water System - TM-10-3510-226-230044Figure 3. Source Water System.Water Reuse System - TM-10-3510-226-230046Figure 5. Water Reuse System.Graywater SystemElectrical System Washer SideElectrical System Dryer SideProgrammable Logic Control (PLC)Figure 10. Programmable Logic Control.Automatic Soap DispenserBoilerVentilation and Climate Control - TM-10-3510-226-230055Figure 14. Ventilation and Climate Control.Lighting - TM-10-3510-226-230057Flow of LaundryFigure 16. Containerized Batch Laundry (CBL) Laundry Flow.Chapetr 2. UNIT MAINTENANCE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES CONTAINERIZED BATCH LAUNDRYTROUBLESHOOTING INDEXTable 2. PLC Malfunction Symptom Index.Table 4. Washer Malfunction Symptom Index.Table 7. Boiler Malfunction Symptom Index.TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES ELECTRICAL SYSTEMTable 1. Electrical Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry.Figure 2. No Electrical Power to any Equipment.Table 1. Electrical Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry - Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230070Table 1. Electrical Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry - Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230071Figure 4. No Electrical Power to Dryers.Table 1. Electrical Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry - Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230073Figure 6. Phase Sequencing Light not Lit.TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROL (PLC)Table 1. PLC Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry.Figure 1. No Electrical Power to PLC.Table 1. PLC Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry - Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230078Table 1. PLC Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry - Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230079FIGURE - TM-10-3510-226-230080Table 1. PLC Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry - Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230081Figure 6. F1 Bag Differential Pressure High on PLC Display.Figure 7. F2 Micron Differential Pressure High Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 8. F2 Micron Differential Pressure High Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 9. Carbon Filter Outlet Pressure Sensor Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 10. F3 Carbon Filter Differential Pressure High Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 11. F3 Carbon Filter Differential Pressure High Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 12. Reuse Loop Flow Sensor Failure Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 13. P3 Loop Flow Sensor Failure Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 14. P4 Loop Flow Sensor Failure Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 15. Waste Loop Flow Sensor Failure Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 16. Nano Outlet Pressure Sensor Failure Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 17. Nano Inlet Pressure Sensor Failure Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 18. Nano Filter Differential Pressure High Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 19. Nano Filter Differential Pressure High Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 20. P3 Pump Failure Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 21. P3 Pump Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 22. P4 Pump Alarm on PLC Display.Figure 23. P4 Pump Alarm on PLC Display.TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES PLUMBINGFigure 1. No Source Water to CBL.Figure 2. WTS Hold Tank Overflows.Figure 3. WTS Hold Tank Overflows.Figure 4. Actuator Valve A-1.Figure 5. Nanofilter Feed Tank Overflows.Table 1. Plumbing Troubleshooting Procedure for Containerized Batch Laundry Continued.Figure 7. Actuator A-3 and A-4.Figure 8. High Water Consumption in Full Reuse Mode.Figure 9. Pump P-1 Short Cycles Pressure Switch.Figure 10. Pump P-1 Short Cycles Check Valve.TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - WASHERFigure 1. Check Washer plugs and Receptacles.Figure 2. No Electrical Power to Washers.Figure 3. QD Fittings and Fill Valves on Washer.Figure 4. Didn't Fill Within Time Error on Washer.Figure 5. Check Pump and Circuit Breaker.Figure 6. Empty Error on Washer.Figure 7. Speed Detection Error on Washer.Figure 8. Washer Door will not Latch.Figure 9. Drum Rotates slowly or not at All.Figure 10. Washer Squeals during Operation.Figure 11. Level Sensor Tube and Washer Control Board.Figure 12. Washer Overfills.Figure 13. Snubbers and Shipping Brackets.Figure 14. Washer Knocks or shows Noticeable Imbalance Regardless of Load.TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES AUTOMATIC SOAP DISPENSERFigure 1. Water from Overflow Tube.Figure 2. Water from Overflow Tube.Table 1. Automatic Soap Dispenser Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch LaundryFigure 4. No Temperature Display.Table 1. Automatic Soap Dispenser Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry (Continued)Figure 6. Pump Runs but will not move any Fluid to the Washing Machine.Figure 7. Product Consumption too High.Figure 8. No Product Feed.Figure 9. No Product Feed.Figure 10. No Product Feed.TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - DRYERFigure 1. No Electrical Power to Equipment. - TM-10-3510-226-230142Figure 2. No Electrical Power to Equipment.Figure 3. Increased Drying Time.Figure 4. Increased Drying Time.Figure 5. Drum doesn't Turn.Figure 6. Drum doesn't Turn.TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - BOILERFigure 1. No Electrical Power to Equipment. - TM-10-3510-226-230150Table 1. Boiler Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry - TM-10-3510-226-230151Figure 2. Boiler will not Light.Table 1. Boiler Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry - TM-10-3510-226-230153Figure 3. Excessive Fuel Consumption/Excessive Smoke.Figure 4. Boiler Operating, doesn't Heat Washer/Soap Dispenser Water.Figure 5. Boiler Operating, doesn't Heat Reuse Water.Table 1. Boiler Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230157Figure 6. Boiler High Temp Alarm.Figure 7. Boiler Low Water Alarm.Table 1. Boiler Troubleshooting Procedures for Containerized Batch Laundry Continued. - TM-10-3510-226-230160Figure 8. Boiler Burner Cutout Alarm.Chapter 3. UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINERIZED BATCH LAUNDRYSERVICE UPON RECEIPT - TM-10-3510-226-230165Preparation for Use Upon ReceiptPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS), INTRODUCTIONINSPECTION AND COMMON CHECKS-PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS), INCLUDING LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Figure 3. Monthly PMCS Washer Drive Belts.Figure 4. Monthly PMCS Dryer Belts.Figure 5. Monthly PMCS - Burner.Figure 6. Annual PMCS Interior Lighting.Figure 7. Annual PMCS Washer Inlet Valves.CONTAINER ADJUST, REPLACEREPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230178Replace a Personnel DoorReplace a Personnel Door LatchReplace a Personnel Door Filter AssemblyReplace Tiedown ProvisionsLIGHTING, INTERIOR REPLACEFigure 1. Replace the Ballast.Replace the Battery (Blackout Lighting only)Figure 2. Replace the Battery.CIRCUIT BREAKER TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test Circuit Breakers Main Panel.Figure 2. Test Circuit Breakers Dryer Panel.TEST-CONTINUEDFigure 3. Test Circuit Breakers Main Panel.Figure 4. Test Circuit Breakers Dryer Panel.REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230193Figure 5. Replace Circuit Breakers Main Panel.Figure 6. Replace Circuit Breakers Dryer Panel.Figure 7. Replace Circuit Breakers Main Panel.Figure 8. Replace Circuit Breakers Dryer Panel.POWER INPUT RECEPTACLES TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Power Input Receptacle.Figure 2. Test the Power Input Receptacle.REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230202Figure 4. Replace the Power Input Receptacle.Figure 6. Replace the Power Input Receptacle.PHASE MONITOR RELAY INSPECT, TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Inspect the Phase Monitor Relay.Inspect the Phase Monitor Relay FusesFigure 2. Inspect the Phase Monitor Relay FusesTEST - TM-10-3510-226-230209Figure 3. Test the Phase Monitor Relay Fuses.Replace the Phase Monitor RelayReplace the Phase Monitor Relay FuseFigure 5. Replace the Phase Monitor Relay Fuses.PHASE INDICATORS REPLACEFigure 1. Replace the Phase Indicator Lights.LINE REACTOR INSPECT, TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Inspect the Line Reactors.Test the Line ReactorFigure 2. Test the Line Reactors.Replace the Line ReactorFigure 3. Replace the Line Reactors.POWER OUTPUT RECEPTACLE TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Power Output Receptacle.Replace the Power Output ReceptacleFigure 3. Replace the Power Output Receptacle.Figure 4. Replace the Power Output Receptacle.Figure 5. Replace the Power Output Receptacle.GFCI RECEPTACLES PUMP RECEPTACLES WASHER RECEPTACLES TEST, REPLACETEST - TM-10-3510-226-230230Figure 1. Test a Receptacle.Table 2. Circuit Breakers for Receptacles.Figure 2. Replace a Receptacle.EXHAUST FANS TEST, SERVICE, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Exhaust Fan.Clean the Exhaust FansREPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230238REPLACE-CONTINUED - TM-10-3510-226-230239PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROL (PLC) TESTFigure 1. System Info Display.Analog StatusFigure 3. Analog Status Screen.Digital StatusFigure 5. Digital Status Screen.Test the Audible AlarmTest the Analog Output ModuleFigure 9. Test Analog Output Module.Test the Analog Input/Output ModulesFigure 10. Test Analog Input/Output Module.Figure 11. Test PLC Controller.Figure 12. Test PLC Controller.Figure 14. Test PLC Controller.Test the DC Power SupplyFigure 15. Test DC Power Supply.Test the Surge ArrestorFigure 16. Test Surge Arrestor.Test the Control Circuit BreakerFigure 17. Test Control Circuit Breaker.Test the Control TransformerFigure 19. Test the Control Transformer.Test a ContactorFigure 20. Test a Contactor.Test an Overload RelayFigure 21. Test an Overload Relay.Test a Control RelayFigure 23. Test a Control Relay.Test the Bypass SwitchesFigure 24. Test the Bypass Switches.Test the Emergency StopTest the Electric Box HeaterFigure 26. Test the Electric Box Heater.Test the Human Machine Interface (HMI)PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROL (PLC) REPLACEFigure 1. Replace Audible Alarm.Replace Analog Output ModuleFigure 2. Replace Analog Output Module.Replace Analog Input/Output ModuleREPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230280Replace PLC ControllerFigure 4. Replace PLC Controller.Replace DC Power SupplyFigure 5. Replace DC Power Supply.Replace Surge ArrestorFigure 6. Replace Surge Arrestor.Replace Human Machine Interface (HMI)Replace Control Circuit BreakerFigure 8. Replace Control Circuit Breaker.Replace the Control TransformerReplace the ContactorsReplace an Overload RelayFigure 11. Replace an Overload Relay.Replace Control RelayFigure 13. Replace a Control Relay.Replace the Bypass SwitchesFigure 14. Replace the Bypass Switches.Replace the Emergency StopReplace the Electric Box HeaterFigure 16. Replace the Electric Box Heater.FLOW TRANSMITTERFigure 1. Replace a Flow Transmitter.PRESSURE TRANSMITTERFigure 1. Replace a Pressure Transmitter.WATER REUSE ACTUATOR VALVES TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test Actuator.Replace Actuator Valve AssemblyTable 3. Valve Settings to Isolate and Drain Actuator Valve Assemblies.Figure 2. Replace the Actuator Valve Assembly.LEVEL SENSOR TEST, REPLACEReplace the Level SensorsFigure 3. Replace the Level Sensors.SYSTEM, WATER SERVICE, REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Clean CPVC Check Valves.Clean Brass Check Valves V-17 and V-19Repair the PVC PlumbingFigure 3. Repair the PVC Plumbing.Replace PVC Hand Operated Ball Valves and Check ValvesFigure 4. Replace PVC Hand Operated Valves and Check Valves.Replace PVC Hand Operated Gate ValvesFigure 5. Replace PVC Hand Operated Gate Valves.Replace Copper/Brass Pipe FittingsReplace Brass Hand Operated ValvesFigure 7. Replace Brass Hand Operated Valves.Replace Brass Check ValvesFigure 8. Replace Brass Check Valves.Replace Internal HosesWATER PANELS PANELSDRAINAGE TANKS REPAIR, REPLACEREPAIR - TM-10-3510-226-230334Figure 1. Repair a Drainage Tank.Replace a Drainage TankReplace a Drainage Tank (Cont)Figure 2. Replace a Drainage Tank.PUMPS, DRAINAGE, WTS/P-2 AND WASTE/P-5 TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Drainage Tank Pump Float.Test the Drainage Tank Pump Float Switch and MotorFigure 2. Test the Drainage Tank Pump Float Switch and Motor.Replace the Drainage Tank Pump FloatFigure 3. Replace the Drainage Tank Pump Float.Replace a Drainage Tank PumpFigure 4. Replace the Drainage Tank Pump.Figure 5. Replace the Drainage Tank Pump.PUMP/P1, WATER SOURCE TEST, ADJUSTFigure 1. Test the Pressure Switch and Pump.Test the Pressure Relief ValveFigure 2. Test the Pressure Relief Valve.ADJUST - TM-10-3510-226-230353Adjust the Pressure Relief ValveAdjust the Expansion Tank Head PressurePUMP/P1, WATER SOURCEREPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230358Figure 1. Replace the Pressure Switch.Replace the Pressure Relief ValveFigure 2. Replace the Pressure Relief Valve.Replace the Expansion TankFigure 3. Replace the Expansion Tank.Replace the Pump Seal - TM-10-3510-226-230364Figure 4. Replace the Pump Seal.Figure 5. Replace the Pump Seal.Figure 6. Replace the Pump Seal.REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230368Figure 7. Replace the Pump Seal.Replace the Pump ImpellorFigure 8. Replace the Pump Impellor.Figure 9. Replace the Pump Impellor.Figure 10. Replace the Pump Impellor.REPLACE-CONTINUED - TM-10-3510-226-230374Figure 11. Replace the Pump Impellor.Replace the Pump Motor - TM-10-3510-226-230376Figure 12. Replace the Pump Motor.Figure 13. Replace the Pump Motor.Figure 14. Replace the Pump Motor.REPLACE-CONTINUED - TM-10-3510-226-230380Figure 15. Replace the Pump Motor.Replace the P-1 Pump AssemblyReplace the P-1 Pump Assembly (Cont)Figure 16. Replace the P-1 Pump Assembly.PUMP/P-3, FILTRATION LOOP 1 TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test Pump P-3.Replace Pump SealFigure 2. Replace Pump Seal.Replace Pump ImpellorFigure 3. Replace Pump Impellor.Replace the Pump Motor - TM-10-3510-226-230391Replace the Pump Motor (Cont) - TM-10-3510-226-230392Figure 4. Replace the Pump Motor.Replace P-3 Pump Assembly - TM-10-3510-226-230394Replace P-3 Pump Assembly (Cont)Replace P-3 Pump Assembly - TM-10-3510-226-230396Figure 6. Replace the P-3 Pump Assembly.PUMP/P-4, FILTRATION LOOP 2 TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test Pump P-4.Replace the Pump Seal - TM-10-3510-226-230401Figure 2. Replace the Pump Seal.Figure 3. Replace the Pump Seal.Replace the Pump Impellor StackFigure 4. Replace the Pump Impellor.Figure 5. Conduit for P-4 Pump.Figure 7. Replace the Pump Impellor.Replace the Pump Motor - TM-10-3510-226-230408Replace the Pump Motor (Cont) - TM-10-3510-226-230409Figure 9. Replace the Pump Seal.Replace P-4 Pump AssemblyReplace P-4 Pump Assembly (Cont)Figure 11. Replace P-4 Pump AssemTM 10- 75Fup IA 3IA 2(u)-0.]mp 6 Tfau 160ofau 1NANOFILTERS REPLACEFigure 1. Replace Nanofilter Cartridges.Replace Nanofilter CartridgesFigure 2. Replace Nanofilter Cartridges.Figure 3. Close Drain Valves.TANKS, WATER REUSE HOLDING SERVICE, REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Clean the Water Reuse Holding Tank Sight Glass.Repair the Water Reuse Holding TanksRepair the Water Reuse Holding Tanks (Cont)Figure 2. Repair the Water Reuse Holding Tanks.Replace the Water Reuse Holding Tank Sight GlassFigure 3. Replace the Water Reuse Holding Tank Sight Glass.Replace the Reuse Water Temperature GaugeReplace the Water Reuse Holding TanksFigure 5. Replace the Water Reuse Holding Tanks.WASHER REMOVE/ INSTALLFigure 1. Remove the Washer.Figure 2. Closing Valves to Remove the Washer.Remove the WasherInstall the WasherFigure 4. Install the Washer.Figure 5. Install the Washer.Figure 6. Install the Washer.ASSEMBLY, DOOR LOCK TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Door Unlocked Switch.Test the Door Latched SwitchFigure 2. Test the Door Latched Switch.Test the Door Locked SwitchFigure 3. Test the Door Locked Switch.Test the Door Lock SolenoidFigure 4. Test the Door Lock Solenoid.Replace the Door Handle AssemblyFigure 6. Replace the Door Handle Assembly.Replace the Door Unlocked SwitchFigure 7. Replace the Door Unlocked Switch.Replace the Door Latched SwitchFigure 8. Replace the Door Latched Switch.Replace the Door Locked SwitchFigure 9. Replace the Door Locked Switch.Replace the Door Lock SolenoidFigure 10. Replace the Door Lock Solenoid.VALVE, REUSE PUMP DUMP TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Washer Reuse Tank Dump Valve.REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230459Figure 2. Replace the Washer Reuse Tank Dump Valve.VALVES, SOURCE WATER INLET WASHER 3-WAY VALVE TEST, SERVICE, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Washer Water Inlet Valve (2-Way Valve).Test the Washer 3-Way ValveFigure 2. Test the Washer 3-Way Valve.SERVICE - TM-10-3510-226-230465SERVICE-CONTINUEDFigure 3. Service the Strainers.Figure 4. Service the Washer Water Inlet Valve (2-Way Valve).REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230469Figure 5. Replace the Washer Water Inlet Valve (2-Way Valve).Figure 6. Replace the Washer Water Inlet Valve (2-Way Valve).Replace the Washer 3-Way ValveReplace the Washer 3-Way Valve (cont)Figure 7. Replace the Washer 3-Way Valve.Figure 8. Replace the Washer 3-Way Valve.CONTROLS, WASHER TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Microprocessor Board Fuse. - TM-10-3510-226-230478Figure 1. Test the Microprocessor Board Fuse. - TM-10-3510-226-230479Figure 2. Test the Soap Dispenser Printed Circuit Board.Replace the Microprocessor DisplayFigure 3. Replace the Microprocessor Display.Replace the Microprocessor Display OverlayReplace the Microprocessor Display Overlay (Cont)Figure 4. Replace the Microprocessor Display Overlay.Replace the Microprocessor BoardFigure 5. Replace the Microprocessor Board.Replace the Microprocessor Board FuseReplace the Soap Dispenser Printed Circuit BoardFigure 7. Replace the Soap Dispenser Printed Circuit Board.Replace the Soap Dispenser Printed Circuit Board FuseFigure 8. Replace the Soap Dispenser Printed Circuit Board.TUBE, LEVEL SENSING INSPECT, SERVICE, REPLACEFigure 1. Inspect the Level Sensing Tube.SERVICE - TM-10-3510-226-230495REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230496Figure 3. Replace the Level Sensing Tube.SENSOR, TEMPERATURE REPLACEREPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230500DETECTOR, SPEEDREPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230502REPLACE-CONTINUED - TM-10-3510-226-230503WASHER BALANCE SWITCH TEST, ADJUST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Washer Balance Switch.Figure 2. Test the Washer Balance Switch.ADJUST - TM-10-3510-226-230508Figure 4. Adjust the Balance Switch.Replace the Washer Balance SwitchFigure 5. Replace the Washer Balance Switch.SWITCH, EMERGENCY STOP TEST, REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230513TEST - TM-10-3510-226-230514REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230515REPLACE-CONTINUED - TM-10-3510-226-230516Figure 3. Replace the Washer Emergency Stop Switch.VALVE, MAIN DRAIN TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Washer Main Drain Valve.REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230521Figure 2. Replace the Washer Main Drain Valve.VALVE, REUSE DRAIN TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Washer Reuse Drain Valve.REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230525Figure 2. Replace the Washer Reuse Drain Valve.DRIVE, VARIABLE FREQUENCY TEST, REPLACETest the Washer Variable Frequency Drive Cooling FanFigure 2. Test the Washer Variable Frequency Drive Cooling Fan.Replace the Variable Frequency Drive - TM-10-3510-226-230530Replace the Variable Frequency Drive - TM-10-3510-226-230531Figure 4. Replace the Washer Variable Frequency Drive.Replace the Washer Variable Frequency Drive Cooling FanFigure 5. Replace the Washer Variable Frequency Drive Cooling Fan.SHOCK ABSORBERS SPRINGS INSPECT, REPLACEFigure 1. Inspect the Washer Shock Absorbers.Inspect the Washer SpringsFigure 2. Inspect the Washer Springs.Replace the Washer Shock Absorbers - TM-10-3510-226-230539Replace the Washer Shock Absorbers (COnt)Replace the Washer Shock Absorbers - TM-10-3510-226-230541Replace the Washer SpringsFigure 4. Replace the Washer Front Springs.Figure 5. Replace the Washer Rear Springs.WASHER DRIVE BELTS INSPECT, ADJUST, REPLACEFigure 1. Inspect the Washer Drive Belts.Adjust the Washer Drive BeltsFigure 2. Adjust the Washer Drive Belts.REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230549Figure 3. Replace the Washer Drive Belts.MOTOR TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Washer Motor.Replace the Washer MotorFigure 2. Replace the Washer Motor.Figure 3. Replace the Washer Motor.Figure 4. Replace the Washer Motor.Figure 5. Replace the Washer Motor.Figure 6. Replace the Washer Motor.Figure 7. Replace the Washer Motor.FITTINGS, WASHER QD REPLACEFigure 1. Replace the Washer QD Fittings.DISPENSER, AUTOMATIC SOAP TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Solenoids.Test the Pump MotorFigure 2. Test the Pump Motor.REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230567Figure 4. Replace the Thermistor.Replace a SolenoidFigure 5. Replace the Solenoids.Replace the PumpFigure 6. Replace the Pump.Replace the Automatic Soap Dispenser Control ModuleFigure 7. Replace the Automatic Soap Dispenser Control Module.Replace the Automatic Soap DispenserFigure 9. Replace the Automatic Soap Dispenser.Figure 10. Replace the Automatic Soap Dispenser.Figure 11. Replace the Automatic Soap Dispenser.DRYER SWITCH, AIRFLOW TEST, ADJUST, REPAIRFigure 1. Test the Dryer Airflow Switch.Adjust the Dryer Airflow SwitchRepair the Dryer Airflow SwitchFigure 3. Repair the Dryer Airflow Switch.ASSEMBLY, LOADING DOOR CATCH ADJUST, REPLACEREPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230586DRYER CONTACTORS TEST, REPLACETEST - TM-10-3510-226-230588Test the Reversing ContactorFigure 2. Test the Reversing Contactor.Test the Heat ContactorsFigure 3. Test the Heat Contactors.Replace the Fan ContactorFigure 4. Replace the Fan Contactor.Replace the Reversing ContactorFigure 5. Replace the Reversing Contactor.Replace a Heat ContactorFigure 6. Replace the Heat Contactors.DRYER TRANSFORMER TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Dryer Transformer Fuses.Test the TransformerFigure 2. Test the Dryer Transformer.Replace the Dryer Transformer FusesFigure 3. Replace the Dryer Transformer Fuses.Replace the Dryer TransformerFigure 4. Replace the Dryer Transformer.CONTROLS, DRYER TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Dryer Lint Panel Switch.Test the Lint Compartment ThermistorFigure 2. Test the Lint Compartment Thermistor.Test the High Limit ThermostatFigure 3. Test the High Limit Thermostat.Test the Thermostat - TM-10-3510-226-230613Figure 4. Test the Thermostat.Test the Dryer Door SwitchFigure 5. Test the Dryer Door Switch.Test the Control PanelTest the Control Panel FusesReplace the Dryer Lint Panel SwitchREPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230620Replace the Lint Compartment ThermistorFigure 9. Replace the Lint Compartment Thermistor.Replace the High Limit ThermostatReplace the ThermostatFigure 11. Replace the Thermostat.Replace the Dryer Door SwitchFigure 12. Replace the Dryer Door Switch.Replace the Control PanelFigure 13. Replace the Control Panel Display.Replace the Control Panel Display OverlayReplace the Control Panel FuseSWITCH, EMERGENCY STOP TEST, REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230633Figure 1. Test the Dryer Emergency Stop Switch.Figure 2. Test the Dryer Emergency Stop Switch.Replace the Dryer Emergency Stop SwitchFigure 3. Replace the Dryer Emergency Stop Switch.Figure 4. Replace the Dryer Emergency Stop Switch.ELEMENTS, HEATING TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Dryer Heating Elements.Replace the Dryer Heating ElementsFigure 2. Replace the Dryer Heating Elements.Figure 3. Replace the Dryer Heating Elements.DRYER BELTS, DRIVE INSPECT, ADJUST, REPLACEFigure 1. Inspect the Dryer Drive Belts.Adjust the Dryer Drive BeltsFigure 2. Adjust the Dryer Drive Belts.Replace the Dryer Drive BeltsFigure 3. Replace the Dryer Drive Belts.MOTOR, CYLINDER DRIVE MOTOR, FAN TEST, REPLACETEST - TM-10-3510-226-230652Test the Fan MotorFigure 2. Test the Fan Motor.Replace the Cylinder Drive MotorFigure 3. Replace the Cylinder Drive Motor.Replace the Fan Motor - TM-10-3510-226-230657Replace the Fan Motor - TM-10-3510-226-230658Figure 5. Replace the Fan Motor.CONTROLS, BURNER, AND BURNER TEST, SERVICE, ADJUSTFigure 1. Test the Burner Motor.Test the Burner TransformerFigure 2. Test the Burner Transformer.Test the Thermostat - TM-10-3510-226-230665Figure 3. Test the Thermostat.Test the High Temperature CutoutFigure 4. Test the High Temperature Cutout.Test the Low Water CutoffTest the Low Water Cutoff (Cont)Figure 5. Test the Low Water Cutoff.SERVICE - TM-10-3510-226-230672Clean the Fuel Pump StrainerClean the CAD CellAdjust the ThermostatFigure 9. Adjust the Thermostat.Adjust the High Temperature CutoutFigure 10. Adjust the High Temperature Cutout.Adjust the Burner ElectrodesFigure 11. Adjust the Burner Electrodes.CONTROLS, BURNER, AND BURNER REPLACEREPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230682Figure 2. Replace the Motor.Replace Burner NozzleFigure 3. Replace Burner Nozzle.Replace the Flame Retention HeadFigure 4. Replace the Flame Retention Head.Replace the Fuel Pump CouplingFigure 5. Replace the Fuel Pump Coupling.Replace the Fuel PumpFigure 6. Replace the Fuel Pump.Replace the TransformerFigure 7. Replace the Burner Transformer.Replace the Burner ElectrodesFigure 8. Replace the Burner Electrodes.Replace the Burner ControllerFigure 9. Replace the Burner Controller.Replace the CAD CellFigure 10. Replace the CAD Cell.Replace the Internal Fuel HosesReplace the Fuel FilterReplace the Burner AssemblyFigure 13. Replace the Burner Assembly.Figure 14. Replace the Burner Assembly.EXHAUST GAS SENSOR (AIR SWITCH) TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Exhaust Gas Sensor.Replace the Exhaust Gas SensorFigure 2. Replace the Exhaust Gas Sensor.INDUCER, DRAFT TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Draft Inducer Motor.Replace the Draft InducerFigure 2. Replace the Draft Inducer.Figure 3. Replace the Draft Inducer.HEAT EXCHANGERFigure 1. Replace the Heat Exchanger.COOLANT, RESERVOIRFigure 1. Replace the Coolant Reservoir.PUMP, CIRCULATION TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Test the Circulation Pump Motor.Replace the Circulation PumpFigure 2. Replace the Circulation Pump.VALVES, MIXINGFigure 1. Replace a Mixing Valve.VALVE, PRESSURE RELIEFFigure 1. Replace the Pressure Relief Valve.GAUGE, PRESSURE-TEMPERATUREFigure 1. Replace the Pressure-Temperature Gauge.CAP, PRESSURE REGULATINGFigure 1. Replace the Pressure Regulating Cap.EQUIPMENT, COLD WEATHER TEST, REPLACETest the Heat TapesFigure 2. Test the Heat Tapes.Replace the Heat TapesFigure 3. Replace the Heat Tapes.Replace the Air Compressor\Figure 4. Replace the Air Compressor.Chapter 4. DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINERIZED BATCH LAUNDRYRAMP REPAIRFigure 1. Repair the Ramp.PANELS, WATERFigure 1. Replace the Water Panel Fittings.WASHER REPLACE - TM-10-3510-226-230745Figure 1. Replace the Washer.DRYER - TM-10-3510-226-230747Figure 1. Replace the Dryer.Figure 2. Replace the Dryer.REFERENCES - TM-10-3510-226-230751Pamphlets - TM-10-3510-226-230752MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTION - TM-10-3510-226-230753Maintenance Functions - TM-10-3510-226-230754Explanation of Columns in the MAC - TM-10-3510-226-230755Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements - TM-10-3510-226-230756Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Batch Laundry.Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Batch Laundry. (Cont) - TM-10-3510-226-230758Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Batch Laundry. (Cont) - TM-10-3510-226-230759Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Batch Laundry. (Cont) - TM-10-3510-226-230760Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Batch Laundry. (Cont) - TM-10-3510-226-230761Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Batch Laundry. (Cont) - TM-10-3510-226-230762Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Batch Laundry. (Cont) - TM-10-3510-226-230763Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Batch Laundry. (Cont) - TM-10-3510-226-230764Table 2. Tools and Test Equipment for Containerized Batch Laundry.EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-10-3510-226-230767Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List. - TM-10-3510-226-230768Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List. (Cont) - TM-10-3510-226-230769Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List. (Cont) - TM-10-3510-226-230770Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List. (Cont) - TM-10-3510-226-230771MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST - TM-10-3510-226-230773GLOSSARY - TM-10-3510-226-230775Figure 1. Electrical System.Figure 2. Electrical System.Figure 3. Programmable Logic Control.Figure 4. Boiler.Figure 5. Lighting.TM-10-3510-226-23 - index