TM 10-3510-226-23
0003 00
Flow of Laundry
Laundry is brought into the TEMPER and sorted into 50-pound loads according to laundry type (white
linens, BDU's, colored linens). When the first full load is ready, it is placed into a dirty laundry cart and
taken into the CBL operating area. The first load is placed in a washer, the door is latched, and the
washer is set for the appropriate cycle. Another load may then be placed in the remaining washer.
When the first load completes it's wash cycle, the laundry cart cover is placed on top of a clean laundry
cart and the wet laundry is emptied onto the cover. The dryer opposite the washer then may be opened,
and the wet laundry may be moved with the cart to the dryer door. The dryer door is closed, and the
dryer is set for the appropriate drying cycle. Another load may then be placed in the empty washer. The
laundry load in the second washer then follows the same process when it's wash cycle has completed.
Allowing a 5- to 10 minute stagger of laundry times between each washer and dryer set ensures the
maximum operating capacity of the CBL as a system.
When the laundry is dry, it is placed atop the cart cover and taken from the CBL operating area into the
TEMPER, where it is folded on the work tables provided. Clean and folded laundry is then taken from the
CBL to it's designated storage area.
0003 00-16