CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-10-3530-207-14_12REPORT EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS (EIRs)Section II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-10-3530-207-14_14LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - TM-10-3530-207-14_15LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS- continuedLOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_17Clothing Sewing Machine FIG.Grommet Press - TM-10-3530-207-14_19LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_20EQUIPMENT DATA - TM-10-3530-207-14_21Table 1-1. Equipment DataSection III. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION - TM-10-3530-207-14_23CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3530-207-14_24CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE - TM-10-3530-207-14_25CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_26Feed Regulator DialCLOTHING SEWING MACHINE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_28Knee Lifter LeverNeedle Upper Thread Tension AdjustmentDARNING SEWING MACHINE - TM-10-3530-207-14_31Needle Thread Tension Adjust NutBUTTON SEWING MACHINE - TM-10-3530-207-14_33BUTTON SEWING MACHINE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_34BUTTON SEWING MACHINE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_35Section II. OPERATOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) FOR THE CRS-100 CLOTHING REPAIR SHOPPMCS TABLE- continuedTable 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_38Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_39Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_40Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_41Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_42Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_43Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_44Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_45Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_46Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_47Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_48Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_49Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_50Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_51Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_52Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_53Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_54Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_55Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_56Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_57Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-10-3530-207-14_58SECTION III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSTable 2-2. Stowage Box Inventory List - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_60Table 2-2. Stowage Box Inventory List - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_61Shelter Requirements. Disconnecting Trailer From Towing Vehicle continuedOpening Up The TrailerSewing Machine Table Assemblies, Folding Stands and Stowage BoxesSewing Machine Table Assemblies, Folding Stands and Stowage Boxes - continuedAssembly of Clothing Sewing Machine TableAssembly of Clothing Sewing Machine Table - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_68Assembly of Clothing Sewing Machine Table - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_69Assembly of Clothing Sewing Machine Table - continued.Assembly of Darning Sewing MachineAssembly of Darning Sewing Machine - continuedAssembly of Darning Sewing Machine continued.Assembly of Button Machine TableAssembly of Button Machine Table - continuedGrommet Press - TM-10-3530-207-14_76Tack-Button Attaching Machine - TM-10-3530-207-14_77Power Cables and Light Cords - TM-10-3530-207-14_78Power Cables and Light Cords - TM-10-3530-207-14_79OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLOTHING REPAIR SHOPOPERATING PROCEDURES FOR CLOTHING SEWING MACHINESelecting NeedleThreading Needle - TM-10-3530-207-14_83Removing Bobbin Case and BobbinWinding BobbinWinding Bobbin - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_86Installing the Bobbin Case and BobbinCatching the Bobbin ThreadAdjusting Stitch LengthOperating the Clothing Sewing Machine - continued.Adjusting Tension on Bobbin and Needle Threads - TM-10-3530-207-14_91Adjusting Pressure on Foot PresserOPERATING PROCEDURES FOR DARNING SEWING MACHINEInstalling the Needle - TM-10-3530-207-14_94OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR DARNING SEWING MACHINE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_95Removing BobbinWinding BobbiWinding Bobbin - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_98Installing BobbinOPERATING PROCEDURES FOR DARNING SEWING MACHINE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_100Operating the Darning Sewing MachineAdjusting Tension on Bobbin and Needle Threads - TM-10-3530-207-14_102OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR BUTTON SEWING MACHINEInstalling the Needle - TM-10-3530-207-14_104Threading Needle - TM-10-3530-207-14_105To Regulate the Thread TensionTo Regulate Needle Bar VibrationTo Adiust Feed Plate for Double Stay Work for Two-hole ButtonsThrough and Through Stitching Flat Buttons Close to the Material.Through and Through Stitching Flat Buttons Close to the Material With Stay ButtonsTo Change the Feed PlateTo Change the Button ClampOPERATING PROCEDURES FOR BUTTON SEWING MACHINE - continued.Through and Through Stitching Metal Shank ButtonsThrough and Through Stitching Metal Shank Buttons CONT.To Stop the Forward and Backward Motion of the Feed PlateThrough and Through Stitching Metal Shank Buttons With Stay ButtonsOPERATING PROCEDURES FOR GROMMET PRESSInserting Snap Fastener Set in Chuck and DieOperating the Grommet PressOPERATING PROCEDURES FOR TACK-BUTTON ATTACHING MACHINEAdjusting PinchOPERATING PROCEDURES FOR HEAT SEALING MACHINEDECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - TM-10-3530-207-14_124DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_125DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_126PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT - TM-10-3530-207-14_127Tack-Button Attaching Machine - TM-10-3530-207-14_128Disassembly of Button Sewing MachineDisassembly of Button Sewing Machine - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_130Disassembly of Button Sewing Machine - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_131Disassembly of Darning Sewing MachineDisassembly of Darning Sewing Machine - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_133Disassembly of Darning Sewing Machine - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_134Disassembly of Clothing Sewing MachineDisassembly of Clothing Sewing Machine - continuedSewing Machine Table Assemblies, Folding Stands and Stowage BoxesFolding Table AssembliesClosing Up the Trailer.PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_140Section IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSCHAPTER 3 OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3530-207-14_142LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE CLOTHING SEWING MACHINELUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE BUTTON SEWING MACHINELUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE BUTTON SEWING MACHINE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_145LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE BUTTON SEWING MACHINE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_146LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE DARNING SEWING MACHINESection II. OPERATOR TROUBLESHOOTINGMALFUNCTIONTROUBLESHOOTING TABLEREAR DOOR OR SIDE DOOR DOES NOT CLOSECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE - TM-10-3530-207-14_152NEEDLE THREAD BREAKS - TM-10-3530-207-14_153NEEDLE THREAD BREAKS CONT.BOBBIN THREAD BREAKSSTITCHES SKIP OR FAIL TO LOCK - TM-10-3530-207-14_156SEAMS DRAW - TM-10-3530-207-14_157THREAD SNARLS AT END OF SEAMPRESSER FOOT PRESSURE REGULATOR THUMBSCREW IS HARD TO ADJUSTMOTOR DOES NOT START - TM-10-3530-207-14_160DARNING SEWING MACHINE - TM-10-3530-207-14_161NEEDLE THREAD BREAKS - TM-10-3530-207-14_162BOBBIN THREAD BREAKS.STITCHES SKIP OR FAIL TO LOCK - TM-10-3530-207-14_164SEAMS DRAW - TM-10-3530-207-14_165THREAD SNARLS DURING DARNINGMACHINE VIBRATESMOTOR DOES NOT START - TM-10-3530-207-14_168UNUSUAL NOISE IN MOTORBUTTON SEWING MACHINE - TM-10-3530-207-14_170LAMP DOES NOT LIGHTMOTOR DOES NOT START - TM-10-3530-207-14_172TACK-BUTTON ATTACHING MACHINE - TM-10-3530-207-14_173TACK-BUTTON ATTACHING MACHINE - TM-10-3530-207-14_174Section III. OPERATOR MAINTENACE PROCEDURESDRIVE BELT ADJUST AND REPLACE - continuedPADLOCK REPLACEMENTPADLOCK REPLACEMENT - continued.LAMP ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTCHAPTER 4 UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3530-207-14_180Section V. Unit Maintenance Procedures (Continued)Section I. REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS, TMDE, AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT - TM-10-3530-207-14_182Section II. SERVICE UPON RECEIPTSERVICE UPON RECEIPT OF NEW OR REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT continuedSection III. UNIT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)PMCS TABLETable 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop.Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_188Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_189Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_190Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_191Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_192Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_193Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_194Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_195Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_196Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_197Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_198Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_199Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_200Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_201Table 2-1. Operator Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair ShopTable 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_203Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_204Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_205Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_206Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_207Table 4-1. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Clothing Repair Shop. CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_208Section IV. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTINGMALFUNCTION INDEX - continuedTable 4-2. Unit TroubleshootingTable 4-2. Unit Troubleshooting - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_212Table 4-2. Unit Troubleshooting - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_213Table 4-2. Unit Troubleshooting - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_214Table 4-2. Unit Troubleshooting - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_215Table 4-2. Unit Troubleshooting - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_216Table 4-2. Unit Troubleshooting - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_217Section V. UNIT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESLIFTING EYE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCELIFTING EYE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continuedCLOTHING SEWING MACHINE TRAY MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE TRAY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_222CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE TRAY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_223CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE THREAD UNWINDER MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE LEVER GUARD AND THREAD GUARD MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE LEVER GUARD AND THREAD GUARD MAINTENANCE - continuedCLOTHING SEWING MACHINE THREAD GUIDES MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE THREAD GUIDES MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_228CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE THREAD GUIDES MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_229CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE FACE PLATE AND OIL COVER MAINTENANCE.CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE FACE PLATE AND OIL COVER MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_231CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE FACE PLATE AND OIL COVER MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_232CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE THREAD TENSIONER MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE THREAD TENSIONER MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_234CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE THREAD TENSIONER MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_235CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE THREAD TENSIONER MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_236CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE BELT GUARD MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE TABLE TOP ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE TABLE TOP ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continuedBOBBIN WINDER MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE KNEE LEVER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE KNEE LEVER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE -continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_242CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE KNEE LEVER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE -continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_243CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENTCLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR BELT GUARD MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR BELT GUARD MAINTENANCE-continuedCLOTHING SEWING MACHINE TREADLE ROD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE TREADLE PIPE MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_250CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_251CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_252CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_253DARNING SEWING MACHINE TRAY MAINTENANCE DARNING SEWING MACHINE TRAY MAINTENANCE-continuedDARNING SEWING MACHINE TRAY MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_256DARNING SEWING MACHINE TRAY MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_257DARNING SEWING MACHINE THREAD UNWINDER STAND MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE BELT GUARD MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE THREAD GUIDES MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE THREAD GUIDES MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_261DARNING SEWING MACHINE THREAD GUIDES MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_262DARNING SEWING MACHINE THREAD GUIDES MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_263DARNING SEWING MACHINE THREAD GUIDES MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_264DARNING SEWING MACHINE SLIDE, NEEDLE AND GUIDE PLATES MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE SLIDE, NEEDLE AND GUIDE PLATES MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_266DARNING SEWING MACHINE SLIDE, NEEDLE AND GUIDE PLATES MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_267DARNING SEWING MACHINE PRESSER FOOT, NEEDLE GUARDS AND GUIDE MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE PRESSER FOOT, NEEDLE GUARDS AND GUIDE MAINTENANCE - continuedDARNING SEWING MACHINE TABLE TOP ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE FOOT PEDAL MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENTDARNING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR BELT GUARD MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR BELT GUARD MAINTENANCE - continuedDARNING SEWING MACHINE TREADLE ROD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE TREADLE PIPE MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLYDARNING SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_278DARNING SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY - continued.DARNING SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_280DARNING SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_281BUTTON SEWING MACHINE TRAY MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE TRAY MAINTENANCE - continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE TRAY MAINTENANCE - continued.BUTTON SEWING MACHINE SINGLE THREAD STAND MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE FOOT PEDAL MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE MAINTENANCE ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURESTo adjust spring tension of stop motion shaftBUTTON SEWING MACHINE MAINTENANCE ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES - continuedTo set needle bar at correct heightTo time the needle bar vibration (With machine at stop locked position)To adjust needle bar vibration centrally with looper shaft and with relation to the needle slot in the needle plateTo adjust the looper with relation to the needleTo time the looperTo time the looper - continuedTo time the button clamp feed camTo adjust as a needle guideTo regulate the height of lift of the button clampTo adjust the tension of the thread pull-off (front).To adjust the tension of the thread nipperBUTTON SEWING MACHINE TABLE TOP ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE BELT GUARD MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE BED ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE BED ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_304BUTTON SEWING MACHINE BED ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_305BUTTON MOTOR BELT GUARD MAINTENANCEBUTTON MOTOR BELT GUARD MAINTENANCE - continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_310BUTTON SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_311BUTTON SEWING MACHINE STAND ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_312STOWAGE BOX ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-10-3530-207-14_313STOWAGE BOX ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continuedFOLDING TABLE MAINTENANCEFOLDING TABLE MAINTENANCE - continued.FOLDING TABLE MAINTENANCE - continuedHEAT SEALER BASE MAINTENANCEHEAT SEALER BASE MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_319HEAT SEALER BASE MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_320HEAT SEALER CONSOLE MAINTENANCEHEAT SEALER CONSOLE MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_322HEAT SEALER CONSOLE MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_323HEAT SEALER CONSOLE MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_324HEAT SEALER BLOCK ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEHEAT SEALER BLOCK ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_326HEAT SEALER BLOCK ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_327DISTRIBUTION BOX MAINTENANCEDISTRIBUTION BOX MAINTENANCE - continued.DISTRIBUTION BOX MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_330DISTRIBUTION BOX MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_331DISTRIBUTION BOX MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_332POWER BOX ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE.POWER BOX ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_334POWER BOX ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_335POWER BOX ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_336POWER BOX ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_337IRONING BOARD MAINTENANCE.IRONING BOARD MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_339IRONING BOARD MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_340HAND TACK MACHINE MAINTENANCEGROMMET PRESS MAINTENANCESECTION VI. PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTCHAPTER 5 DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3530-207-14_344Section II. Maintenance Procedures (continued)Section I. REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS, TMDE, AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT - TM-10-3530-207-14_346Section II. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESHOLDDOWN CLAMP ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - continuedCABINET ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCECABINET ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_350CABINET ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_351CABINET ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_352SIDE DOOR ASSEMBILY MAINTENANCESIDE DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_354SIDE DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_355SIDE DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_356SIDE DOOR STAY MAINTENANCEREAR DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEREAR DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_359REAR DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_360REAR DOOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_361REAR DOOR STAY ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEHEAT SEALER MOUNTING PLATE MAINTENANCERETAINING STRAP MAINTENANCERETIAINING STRAIP MAINTENANCE - continuedGENERATOR SUPPORT RAIL MAINTENANCEGENERATOR SUPPORT RAIL MAINTENANCE - continuedGENERATOR SUPPORT HAIL MAINTENANCE - continuedCLOTHING SEWING MACHINE PRESSER FOOT AND THROAT PLATE MAINTENACECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE PRESSER FOOT AND THROAT PLATE MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_370CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE PRESSER FOOT AND THROAT PLATE MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_371CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE BOBBIN ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE BOBBIN ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continuedCLOTHING SEWING MACHINE PRESSER BAR MECHANISM MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE PRESSER BAR MECHANISM MAINTENANCE - continuedCLOTHING SEWING MACHINE LIFTING LEVER MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE LIFTING LEVER MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_377CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE LIFTING LEVER MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_378CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE BAR AND THREAD TAKE-UP MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE BAR AND THREAD TAKE-UP MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_380CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE BAR AND THREAD TAKE-UP MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_381CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE BAR AND THREAD TAKE-UP MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_382CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE TENSION RETAINING LEVER MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE TENSION RETAINING LEVER MAINTENANCE - continuedCOTHING SEWING MACHINE SLIDE RAIL MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE SLIDE RAIL MAINTENANCE - continuedCLOTHING SEWING MACHINE ARM SHAFT AND VERTICAL SHAFT MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE ARM SHAFT AND VERTICAL SHAFT MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_388CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE ARM SHAFT AND VERTICAL SHAFT MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_389CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE ARM SHAFT AND VERTICAL SHAFT MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_390CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE ARM SHAFT AND VERTICAL SHAFT MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_391CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE ARM SHAFT AND VERTICAL SHAFT MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_392CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CRANK ROD MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CRANK ROD MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_394CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CRANK ROD MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_395CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CONNECTING ROD MAINTENANCE.CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CONNECTING ROD MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_397CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CONNECTING ROD MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_398CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE STITCH LENGTH REGULATOR MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE STITCH LENGTH REGULATOR MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_400CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE STITCH LENGTH REGULATOR MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_401CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE FEED AND FEED LIFTING MECHANISM MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE FEED AND FEED LIFTING MECHANISM MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_403CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE FEED AND FEED LIFTING MECHANISM MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_404CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE ROTATING SHUTTLE MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE ROTATING SHUTTLE MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_406CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE ROTATING SHUTTLE MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_407CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE FRONT BUSHING MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE BUSHING MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_409CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE BUSHING MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_410CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE TIMINGCLOTHING SEWING MACHINE TIMING - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_412CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE TIMING - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_413CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continuedCLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCECLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_417CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_418CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_419CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_420CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_421CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_422CLOTHING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_423DARNING SEWING MACHINE ROTATING HOOK MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE ROTATING HOOK MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_425DARNING SEWING MACHINE ROTATING HOOK MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_426DARNING SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE BAR AND PRESSER BAR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE BAR AND PRESSER BAR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_428DARNING SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE BAR AND PRESSER BAR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_429DARNING SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE BAR AND PRESSER BAR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_430DARNING SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE BAR AND PRESSER BAR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_431DARNING SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE BAR AND PRESSER BAR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_432DARNING SEWING MACHINE OIL GUARD, NEEDLE BAR CRANK MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE O[L GUARD, NEEDLE BAR CRANK MAINTENANCE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_434DARNING SEWING MACHINE O[L GUARD, NEEDLE BAR CRANK MAINTENANCE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_435DARNING SEWING MACHINE O[L GUARD, NEEDLE BAR CRANK MAINTENANCE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_436DARNING SEWING MACHINE O[L GUARD, NEEDLE BAR CRANK MAINTENANCE - continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_437DARNING SEWING MACHINE HOOK DRIVING SHAFTDARNING SEWING MACHINE HOOK DRIVING SHAFT - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_439DARNING SEWING MACHINE HOOK DRIVING SHAFT - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_440DARNING SEWING MACHINE LIFTING LEVER MAINTENANCE - TM-10-3530-207-14_441DARNING SEWING MACHINE LIFTING LEVER MAINTENANCE - TM-10-3530-207-14_442DARNING SEWING MACHINE TENSION ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE TENSION ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_444DARNING SEWING MACHINE TENSION ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_445DARNING SEWING MACHINE TENSION ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_446DARNING SEWING MACHINE REAR SHAFT BEARING MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE REAR SHAFT BEARING MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_448DARNING SEWING MACHINE REAR SHAFT BEARING MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_449DARNING SEWING MACHINE FRONT SHAFT BEARING MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE FRONT SHAFT BEARING MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_451DARNING SEWING MACHINE FRONT SHAFT BEARING MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_452DARNING SEWING MACHINE TIMINGDARNING SEWING MACHINE RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continuedDARNING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEDARNING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE -continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_457DARNING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_458DARNING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE -continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_459DARNING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_460DARNING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_461DARNING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_462DARNING SEWING MACHINE CLUTCH AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_463BUTTON SEWING MACHINE SIDE COVER AND THREAD GUIDES MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE SIDE COVER AND THREAD GUIDES MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_465BUTTON SEWING MACHINE SIDE COVER AND THREAD GUIDES MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_466BUTTON SEWING MACHINE FACE PLATE AND EYE GUARD MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE FACE PLATE AND EYE GUARD MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_468BUTTON SEWING MACHINE FACE PLATE AND EYE GUARD MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_469BUTTON SEWING MACHINE AUTOMATIC THREAD TENSION DISKS AND RELEASE DISK, SPRING, AND STUDSBUTTON SEWING MACHINE AUTOMATIC THREAD TENSION DISKS AND RELEASE DISK, SPRING, AND STUDS - continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE BAR MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE NEEDLE BAR MAINTENANCE - continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE CRANK AND NEEDLE BAR GUIDE WITH SHAFT AND BUSHINGBUTION SEWING MACHINE CRANK AND NEEDLE GUIDE WITH SHAFT AND BUSHING - continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE CRANK AND NEEDLE GUIDE WITH SHAFT AND BUSHING - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_476BUTTON SEWING MACHINE CRANK AND NEEDLE GUIDE WITH SHAFT AND BUSHING - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_477BUTTON SEWING MACHINE THREAD LOOPER SHAFT, LINK, CAM, AND CRANK MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE THREAD LOOPER SHAFT, LINK, CAM, AND CRANK MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_479BUTTON SEWING MACHINE THREAD LOOPER SHAFT, LINK, CAM, AND CRANK MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_480BUTTON SEWING MACHINE PRESSER BAR MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE PRESSER BAR MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_482BUTTON SEWING MACHINE PRESSER BAR MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_483BUTTON SEWING MACHINE THREAD TENSION ROD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE THREAD TENSION ROD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_485BUTTON SEWING MACHINE THREAD TENSION ROD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_486BUTTON SEWING MACHINE THREAD RELEASE AND NIPPER MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE THREAD RELEASE AND NIPPER MAINTENANCE - continued.BUTION SEWING MACHINE THREAD RELEASE AND NIPPER MAINTENANCE - continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE ARM CLAMP AND SPREADER MAINTENANCEBUTITON SEWING MACHINE ARM CLAMP AND SPREADER MAINTENANCE - continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE ARM CLAMP AND SPREADER MAINTENANCE - continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE LIFTING LEVER MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE LIFTING LEVER MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_494BUTTON SEWING MACHINE LIFTING LEVER MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_495BUTTON SEWING MACHINE LIFTING LEVER MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_496BUTTON SEWING MACHINE PULLEY STARTER AND TRIP BLOCK MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE PULLEY STARTER AND TRIP BLOCK MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_498BUTTON SEWING MACHINE PULLEY STARTER AND TRIP BLOCK MAINTENANCE - continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_499BUTTON SEWING MACHINE PULLEY STARTER AND TRIP BLOCK MAINTENANCE continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE DRIVE PULLEY CLUTCH MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE DRIVE PULLEY CLUTCH MAINTENANCE continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_502BUTTON SEWING MACHINE DRIVE PULLEY CLUTCH MAINTENANCE continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_503BUTTON SEWING MACHINE DRIVE PULLEY CLUTCH MAINTENANCE continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_504BUTTON SEWING MACHINE FEED AND NEEDLE PLATE MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE FEED AND NEEDLE PLATE MAINTENANCE continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_506BUTTON SEWING MACHINE FEED AND NEEDLE PLATE MAINTENANCE continued. - TM-10-3530-207-14_507BUTTON SEWING MACHINE FEED AND NEEDLE PLATE MAINTENANCE continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE VIBRATING LEVER MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE VIBRATING LEVER MAINTENANCE - continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE VIBRATING LEVER MA INTENANCE continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_511BUTTON SEWING MACHINE VIBRATING LEVER MA INTENANCE continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_512BUTTON SEWING MACHINE LIFTING ARM AND THREAD PULLOFF MAINTENANCE BUTTON SEWING MACHINE LIFTING ARM AND THREAD PULLOFFBUTTON SEWING MACHINE LIFTING ARM AND THREAD PULLO FF MAINTENANCE continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE CAM AND DRIVE SHAFT MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE CAM AND DRIVE SHAFT MAINTENANCE continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_517BUTTON SEWING MACHINE CAM AND DRIVE SHAFT MAINTENANCE continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_518BUTTON SEWING MACHINE STOP MOTION SHAFT MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE STOP MOTION SHAFT MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_520BUTTON SEWING MACHINE STOP MOTION SHAFT MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_521BUTTON SEWING MACHINE STOP MOTION SHAFT MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_522BUTTON SEWING MACHINE ARM ROCKSHAFT MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE ARM ROCKSHAFT MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_524BUTTON SEWING MACHINE ARM ROCKSHAFT MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_525BUTTON SEWING MACHINE ECCENTRIC, DRIVE SHAFT, LOOPER CAM AND CRANK MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE ECCENTRIC, DRIVE SHAFT, LOOPER CAM AND CRANK MAINTENANCE-continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE ECCENTRIC, DRIVE SHAFT, LOOPER CAM AND CRANK MAINTENANCE-continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE ECCENTRIC, DRIVE SHAFT, LOOPER CAM AND CRANK MAINTENANCE-continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE ECCENTRIC, DRIVE SHAFT, LOOPER CAM AND CRANK MAINTENANCE-continuedBUTTON SEWING MACHINE MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_532BUTTON SEWING MACHINE MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE-continued - TM-10-3530-207-14_533BUTTON SEWING MACHINE MOTOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE-continued.BUTTON SEWING MACHINE RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEBUTTON SEWING MACHINE RECEPTACLE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE-continuedSTOWAGE BOX ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - TM-10-3530-207-14_537STOWAGE BOX ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE-continuedCHAPTER 6 GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-3530-207-14_539Section II. MAINTENANCE OF CABINET ASSEMBLYPANEL, RACK AND WHEELWELL MAINTENANCEPANEL, RACK AND WHEELWELL MAINTENANCE - c ontinuedAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-10-3530-207-14_543FIELD MANUALAPPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-10-3530-207-14_545MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS - continuedEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE MAC - SECTION II - continuedSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-10-3530-207-14_548Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_549Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_550Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_551Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_552Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_553Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_554Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_555Section III. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSAPPENDIX C COMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSection II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-10-3530-207-14_558Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_559Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_560Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_561Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_562Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_563Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_564Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_565Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM CONT. - TM-10-3530-207-14_566Section III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS - TM-10-3530-207-14_567APPENDIX D ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST - TM-10-3530-207-14_568Section II. Additional Authorization Items List - TM-10-3530-207-14_569APPENDIX F EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTSection II. EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST