GENERAL INFORMATION - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0015MAINTENANCE FORMS, RECORDS AND REPORTS - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0016NOMENCLATURE CROSS-REFERENCE LIST - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0017LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS- continuedLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS- continued CHAPTER 1 DESCRIPTION AND THEORY OF OPERATION FOR CONTAINERIZED SHOWER AND SHOWER, ENCLOSED UNIT, SYSTEM EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0023LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS (INTERNAL) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0024Containerized Shower Internal Components (Stand-alone Configuration)Shower, Enclosed Unit, System Internal Components (Force Provider Configuration)LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS (EXTERNAL)30 gpm Water Pump (Containerized Shower only)Containerized Shower External Components (Stand-alone Configuration)Shower, Enclosed Unit, System External Components (Force Provider Configuration)Table 2. Hoses.Table 3. Electrical Cables.EQUIPMENT DATA - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0033EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0034THEORY OF OPERATION - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0035Fresh Water SystemContainerized Shower (Stand-Alone Configuration)Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0038Shower, Enclosed Unit, System (Force Provider Configuration) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0039Shower, Enclosed Unit, System (Force Provider Configuration) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0040Containerized Shower Power Distribution SchematicShower, Enclosed Unit, System Power Distribution SchematicContainerized Shower Water SchematicShower, Enclosed Unit, System Water SchematicCHAPTER 2 OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTAINERIZED SHOWER AND SHOWER, ENCLOSED UNIT, SYSTEMDESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR CONTROLS AND INDICATORS - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0047Shower, Enclosed Unit, System (Force Provider Configuration) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0048Circuit Breaker Panel Controls and Indicators (Containerized Shower only)Containerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, SystemFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0051Individual Shower Controls and IndicatorsContainerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, System with Copper PlumbingShave Stand and Utility Hose Valve ControlsContainerized Shower with Copper PlumbingSpace Heater (Containerized Shower only)Sump Pump ControlsPressure Switch Controls (Containerized Shower only)DECALS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0059OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - SETUPUNPACKING - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0062Unpack Containerized Shower and Position ComponentsFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0064Table 1. Containerized Shower Inventory.Prepare TEMPER With Modified End Section For Use - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0066Table 2. TEMPER Components Inventory. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0067Arch Assembly - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0068Header Assembly - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0069Purlin Assembly - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0070Purlin Assembly cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0071Purlin Assembly cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0072Install the Light Supports - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0073Placement of Window / Door Section - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0074Placement of Modified End Section (ISO Bootwall) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0075Placement of End Section - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0076Placement of Tent FlyBecket Lacing Window and End Sections - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0078Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0079Install Guy Line - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0080Raising the Frame to Partially-Erect Position - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0081Raising the Frame to Partially-Erect Position cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0082Install Lights - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0083Fully Erecting the Frame - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0084Fully Erecting the Frame - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0085Fully Erecting the Frame cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0086Move the TEMPER Section Into Position - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0087Complete Becket Lacing and Bootwall Attachment - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0088Stakes and Guy Lines - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0089Install Single Ply Floor - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0090Install the Vestibule - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0091Install the Vestibule cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0092ASSEMBLY AND PREPARATION FOR USE - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0093Prepare Shave Stands for Use - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0094Prepare Shave Stands for Use cont'dFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0096PREPARE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FOR USE - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0097Ground Containerized Shower cont'dFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0099Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0100Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0101Connect Power and Distribution System Cables to Containerized ShowerFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0103Cable Layout, Containerized ShowerLay Out Hoses, Containerized Shower (Stand-alone Configuration)Water Supply and Graywater Drain System - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0106Water Supply and Graywater Drain System cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0107Connection of Water System, Containerized Shower (Stand-alone Configuration)OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS SETUPUnpack and Position the Shower, Enclosed Unit, System ComponentsTable 1. Shower, Enclosed Unit, System Inventory.PREPARE TEMPER WITH MODIFIED END SECTION FOR USE - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0112Table 2. TEMPER Components Inventory. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0113Arch Assembly - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0114Header Assembly - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0115Purlin Assembly - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0116Purlin Assembly cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0117Purlin Assembly cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0118Install the Light Supports - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0119Placement of Window / Door Section - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0120Placement of Modified End Section (ISO Bootwall) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0121Placement of End Section - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0122Placement of Tent FlysBecket Lacing Window and End Sections - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0124Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0125Install Guy Line - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0126Raising the Frame to Partially-Erect Position - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0127Raising the Frame to Partially-Erect Position cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0128Install Lights - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0129Fully Erecting the Frame - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0130Fully Erecting the Frame cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0131Fully Erecting the Frame cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0132Move the TEMPER Section Into Position - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0133Complete Becket Lacing and Bootwall Attachment - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0134Stakes and Guy Lines - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0135Install Single Ply Floor - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0136Install the Vestibule - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0137Install the Vestibule cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0138Prepare M-80 Water Heater for UsePrepare Shave Stands for Use - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0140Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0141Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0142Connect Power and Distribution System Cables to Shower, Enclosed Unit, SystemWater Supply and Graywater Drain System - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0144Water Supply and Graywater Drain System cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0145Connection of Water System, Shower, Enclosed Unit, System (Force Provider Configuration)OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS OPERATING PROCEDURESFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0148Flush Freshwater LinesOperation of Interior and Shave Stand LightsOperation of Sump Pump - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0151OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS PREPARE FOR MOVEMENT - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0153PREPARE TEMPER FOR MOVEMENT - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0154Striking Procedure cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0155Striking Procedure cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0156Lowering the Frame - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0157Removing the Fabric - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0158Frame Disassembly - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0159Prepare Water Tank for Movement (if applicable)Removal of Exhaust Fan - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0161Inventory Containerized ShowerPack Containerized ShowerFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0164Pack Containerized Shower cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0165Pack Containerized Shower cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0166Packing Diagram for Containerized ShowerOPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS PREPARE FOR MOVEMENT - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0169PREPARE TEMPER FOR MOVEMENT - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0170Striking Procedure cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0171Striking Procedure cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0172Lowering the Frame - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0173Removing the Fabric - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0174Frame Disassembly - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0175Removal of Exhaust Fan - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0176Inventory Shower, Enclosed Unit, System (Force Provider Configuration)Pack Shower, Enclosed Unit, System (Force Provider Configuration)OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0179Snow and Extreme ColdCHAPTER 3 TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES FOR CONTAINERIZED SHOWER AND SHOWER, ENCLOSED UNIT, SYSTEM OPERATOR TROUBLESHOOTINGMALFUNCTION SYMPTOM INDEX - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0185WATER LEAKAGE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESINTERIOR LIGHTING TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESSPACE HEATER TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESPOWER OUTLET TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESEXHAUST FAN TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTable 1. Exhaust Fan Troubleshooting Procedures Continued.WATER TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESSHOWER, ENCLOSED UNIT, SYSTEM - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0198Table 1. Water Troubleshooting Procedures-Continued. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0199SHOWER, ENCLOSED UNIT, SYSTEM - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0200Table 1. Water Troubleshooting Procedures-Continued. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0201Table 1. Water Troubleshooting Procedures-Continued. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0202Table 1. Water Troubleshooting Procedures-Continued. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0203Table 1. Water Troubleshooting Procedures-Continued. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0204Table 1. Water Troubleshooting Procedures-Continued. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0205Table 1. Water Troubleshooting Procedures-Continued. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0205_copy1CHAPTER 4 OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTAINERIZED SHOWER AND SHOWER, ENCLOSED UNIT, SYSTEMPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS), INTRODUCTIONCLEANING - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0210PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0212Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Containerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, System - continued - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0213CONTAINERIZED SHOWER - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0214Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Containerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, System - continued - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0215Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0216Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Containerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, System - continued - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0217Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0218Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Containerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, System - continued - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0219Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Containerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, System - continued - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0220Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0221Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Containerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, System - continued - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0222Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0223OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSHOWER SERVICEClean Showerhead Debris ScreenClean Drain SystemClean Floor MatClean and Maintain the Shave StandsELECTRIC ASSEMBLY INSPECTInspect Fluorescent BulbInspect Fluorescent Light Assembly BallastFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0236Inspect Heater Assembly (Containerized Shower only)Inspect Circuit Breaker Panel (Containerized Shower only)Inspect Power Service Panel ComponentsContainerized Shower - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0240Inspect Exhaust Fan Switch and Light SwitchFLOOR MAT INSPECT, REPLACEReplace a Damaged Floor MatEXHAUST FAN ASSEMBLY INSPECTPLUMBING INSPECT, REPLACEInspect Mixer Valve (Containerized Shower only)Inspect Sump Pump AssemblyInspect Shower AssemblyInspect the Shower Box AssemblyREPLACE - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0252Replace Shower CurtainHOSES INSPECTTEMPER & ISO BOOTWALL INSPECT, REPLACE Inspect TEMPER LightsSHAVE STAND ASSEMBLY INSPECTInspect Shave Stand Faucets and PlumbingInspect Shave Stand LightsFRESH WATER PUMP ASSEMBLY INSPECTFRESH WATER PUMP ASSEMBLYInspect the Extension CordsCHAPTER 5 UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTAINERIZED SHOWER AND SHOWER, ENCLOSED UNIT, SYSTEMUNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS AND SERVICE UPON RECEIPTLIGHT ASSEMBLY REPLACEFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0272Replace BallastFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0274HEATER ASSEMBLY TEST, SERVICE, REPLACEClean the Heater AssemblyFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0277Replace an Inoperative or Malfunctioning Space HeaterFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0279EXHAUST FAN ASSEMBLY TEST, REPLACEReplace a Damaged Fan AssemblyPLUMBING REPAIR, REPLACE - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0283Repair a Leak in the Internal Piping - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0284Repair a Leak in the Internal Piping cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0285Repair a Leak in the Internal Water Hoses (Late Production Containerized Shower only)Replace the Internal Water Hoses (Late Production Containerized Shower only)Replace Mixer Valve (Early Production Containerized Shower only)Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0289Replace Mixer Valve (Late Production Containerized Shower only)Replace a Shower Valve (Shower, Enclosed Unit System and Early Production Containerized Shower only)Replace a Shower Valve (Shower, Enclosed Unit System and Early Production Containerized Shower only) cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0292Replace a Shower Valve (Shower, Enclosed Unit System and Early Production Containerized Shower only) cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0293Replace a Shower Valve (Shower, Enclosed Unit System and Early Production Containerized Shower only) cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0294Replace a Shower Valve (Shower, Enclosed Unit System and Early Production Containerized Shower only) cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0295Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0296Replace a Shower Valve (Late Production Containerized Shower only)Replace a Shower Valve (Late Production Containerized Shower only) cont'dFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0299SUMP PUMP TANK SERVICEClean the Graywater Holding Tank cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0302Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0303Clean the Graywater Holding Tank cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0304HOSES REPLACETEMPER & ISO BOOTWALL REPLACESHAVE STAND ASSEMBLY REPAIR, REPLACEFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0310Repair a Leak in the Internal Piping - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0311Repair a Leak in the Internal Piping cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0312Replace the PlumbingFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0314Replace Faucet AssemblyFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0316Replace Shave StandFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0318Replace Incandescent Light BulbReplace the Light AssemblyFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0321FRESH WATER PUMP ASSEMBLY REPAIR, REPLACEFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0324Repair Leak at -inch Pump Discharge HoseReplace the Pressure Tank - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0326Replace the Pressure Tank cont'dFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0328Replace the Pressure Switch - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0329Replace the Motor Starter, Contactor, and Overload RelayReplace the Contactor and Overload RelayFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0332Replace Extension CordReplace the Freshwater Pump - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0334Replace the Freshwater Pump cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0335Replace the Freshwater Pump cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0336Replace Pressure Gauge - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0337Replace Pump AssemblyCHAPTER 6 DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTAINERIZED SHOWER AND SHOWER, ENCLOSED UNIT, SYSTEM DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0341CIRCUIT BREAKERS TEST, REPLACESingle Phase BreakerTest Convenience OutletsReplace Circuit Breakers cont'dReplace the GFCI Protected Convenience OutletELECTRIC ASSEMBLY TEST, REPLACEFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0350Test Exhaust Fan Switch or Light SwitchReplace a Defective ReceptacleReplace a Defective Receptacle cont'dReplace the Exhaust Fan Switch or Light SwitchPLUMBING REPAIR, REPLACE - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0355Containerized Shower - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0356Replace a Damaged Shutoff Valve - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0357Replace a Damaged Shutoff Valve cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0358Replace a Damaged Shutoff Valve - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0359Replace a Damaged Shutoff Valve cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0360Figure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0361Replace the SpigotReplace Damaged FittingsSUMP PUMP ASSEMBLY REPLACEReplace a Damaged Sump PumpFigure - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0367CHAPTER 7 SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR CONTAINERIZED SHOWER AND SHOWER, ENCLOSED UNIT, SYSTEM REFERENCES - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0371MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC), INTRODUCTIONExplanation of Columns in the MAC - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0374Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0375Explanation of Columns in RemarksMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0377Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, System cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0378Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, System cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0379Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, System cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0380Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, System cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0381Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) for Containerized Shower and Shower, Enclosed Unit, System cont'd - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0382REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (RPSTL), INTRODUCTIONEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOS LIST WORK PACKAGEMaintenance Code - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0385Recoverability Code - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0386EXPLANATION OF CROSS-REFERENCE INDEX FORMAT AND COLUMNSHOW TO LOCATE REPAIR PARTS - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0388Figure 1. ContainerFigure 2. Light AssemblyGROUP 010101 LIGHT ASSEMBLYFigure 3. Heater AssemblyFigure 4. Circuit BreakersGROUP 01010301 CIRCUIT BREAKERSFigure 5. 20 Amp GFCI ReceptacleFigure 6. 60 Amp Power Input And CableFigure 7. 20 Amp Twist Lock Receptacle And CableGROUP 01010304 20 AMP 120/208 VOLT 3 PHASE RECEPTACLEFigure 8. SwitchFigure 9. Floor MatFigure 10. Exhaust Fan AssemblyFigure 11. Water Service And External Connector FittingsFigure 12. Mixer ValveFigure 13. Sump Pump AssemblyFigure 14. Shower AssemblyFigure 15. Shower Box AssemblyGROUP 010404 SHOWER HEADFigure 16. HosesGROUP 02 HOSESFigure 17. TEMPER and ISO BootwallGROUP 04 TEMPER AND ISO BOOTWALLFigure 18. VestibuleFigure 19. Shave Stand AssemblyGROUP 05 SHAVE STAND ASSEMBLYFigure 20. Fresh Water Pump AssemblyGROUP 06 FRESH WATER PUMP ASSEMBLYFigure 21. Water TankFigure. BULK MaterialSPECIAL TOOLS LIST - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0445NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0447PART NUMBER (PN) INDEXTable 1. Part Number (PN) Index - continuedCOMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) LISTTable 1. Components of End Item List. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0452Table 1. Components of End Item List (Continued) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0453Table 1. Components of End Item List (Continued) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0454Table 1. Components of End Item List (Continued) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0455Table 1. Components of End Item List (Continued) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0456Table 1. Components of End Item List (Continued) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0457Table 1. Components of End Item List (Continued) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0458Table 2. Basic Issue Items List. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0459ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (AAL) - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0461Table 1. Additional Authorization List. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0462EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0463Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List. - TM-10-4510-208-13-P0464Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List - continuedTable 1. Expendable and Durable Items List continuedTM-10-4510-208-13-P - index