CHAPTER 1 DESCRIPTION AND THEORY OF OPERATION CONTERNERIZED LATRINE (CL) AND CONTAINERIZED LATRINE SYSTEM (CLS)EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0025Environmental Control Unit (ECU)ToiletsCONTAINERIZED LATRINE (CL) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0028CONTAINERIZED LATRINE SYSTEM (CLS) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0029DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MODELS - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0030EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0031THEORY OF OPERATION - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0033Water Pumping SystemCONTAINERIZED LATRINE SYSTEM (CLS) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0035CL WATER SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION DIAGRAMCLS WATER SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION DIAGRAMCHAPTER 2 OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINERIZED LATRINE (CL) AND CONTAINERIZED LATRINE SYSTEM (CLS)DESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR CONTROLS AND INDICATORS - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0041FRONT VIEW OF CLREAR VIEW OF CLFRONT VIEW OF CLSREAR VIEW OF CLSWater Supply Panel (CL)Water Supply Panel (CLS)POTABLE WATER VALVES (CL) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0048Potable Water Valves (CL) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0049POTABLE WATER VALVES (CLS) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0050Potable Water Valves (CLS) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0051SwitchesSump Pump SwitchEnvironmental Control Unit (CL/CLS)Blackwater Valve (CLS only)Freshwater Valve (CLS only)CIRCUIT BREAKERSCircuit Breaker Panel (CL)Circuit Breaker Panel (CL only)Circuit Breaker Panel (CLS)Circuit Breaker Panel (CLS only)Electrical Panel (CL only)Electrical Panel (CLS only)OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS PREPARATION FOR USE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0065SITING REQUIREMENTS - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0066UNPACKING - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0067Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0068Open Cargo DoorsUnpack Latrine - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0070Table 2. CL Packing Plan B.Remove Vent Countersunk Plugs - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0072Ground LatrineGround Latrine cont'dFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0075Layout and Connect CablesInstall ECU - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0077Install ECU cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0078Connect Blackwater DisposalConnect Freshwater Hose - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0080BLACKWATER DISPOSAL - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0081Installation of Sink Stand Doors - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0082Loose Component Placement - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0083OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - OPERATION - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0085OPERATING PROCEDURES - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0086Operation of Exhaust Fan - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0087Operation of Water Heater - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0088Operation of ECU - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0089Operation of CommodeOperation of Sump Pump - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0091Operation of Sump Pump - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0092OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENTPREPARATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE STORAGE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0094Blackwater SystemFreshwater SystemFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0097Prepare ECU for Movement - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0098Prepare ECU for Movement cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0099Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0100Prepare Power Distribution System for Movement - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0101Install Vent Countersunk Plugs - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0102Inventory and Pack Latrine - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0103Inventory and Pack Containerized Latrine (CL)Table 4. CL Packing Plan B, Packing Inventory.Pack Containerized Latrine Packing Plan APack Containerized Latrine Packing Plan A cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0107Pack Containerized Latrine Packing Plan A cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0108Pack Containerized Latrine Packing Plan BPack Containerized Latrine Packing Plan B cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0110Pack Containerized Latrine Packing Plan B cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0111LABELS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0112OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS PREPARATION FOR USE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0113SITING REQUIREMENTS - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0114PREPARING THE LATRINE FOR OPERATIONLiftingUnpack Latrine - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0117Table 1. Inventory List for CLS.Remove Vent Countersunk Plugs - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0119Remove Vent Countersunk Plugs cont'dPrepare Power Distribution System for Use - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0121Prepare Power Distribution System for Use cont'dFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0123Connect CablesInstall ECU - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0125Install ECU cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0126Install ECU cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0127Blackwater Disposal - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0128Set up 3,000-Gallon Water TankConnect Freshwater Hose - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0130Freshwater Hose ConnectionsInstallation of Sink Stand Doors - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0132Loose Component Placement - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0133OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - OPERATION - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0135OPERATING PROCEDURES - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0136Operation of Water PumpFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0138Operation of Water Heater - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0139Operation of ECU - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0140Operation of Exhaust Fan - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0141Operation of CommodesOperation of Sump Pump SwitchOperation of Waste Holding Draft Inducer FanOPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS PREPARE FOR MOVEMENT - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0145PREPARATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE STORAGE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0146BlackwaterFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0148FreshwaterFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0150Prepare ECU for Movement - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0151Prepare ECU for Movement cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0152Prepare 30 GPM Water Pump for MovementInstall Toilet StrapsPrepare Power Distribution System for Movement - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0155Install Vent Countersunk Plugs - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0156Inventory and Pack Latrine - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0157Inventory Containerized Latrine SystemPack Containerized Latrine System (CLS)Pack Containerized Latrine System (CLS) cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0160Pack Containerized Latrine System (CLS) cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0161Pack Containerized Latrine System (CLS) cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0162LABELS AND INSTRUCTION PLATES - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0163Customs PlateOPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0165HIGH ALTITUDE CONDITIONSContainerized Latrine System (CLS) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0167Position the 3,000-Gallon Water Tank cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0168Position the 3,000-Gallon Water Tank cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0169Insulate Hoses With Cold Weather EquipmentCreate cover.Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0172Wrap 4-inch Valve With Heat TraceOperate the Cold Weather EquipmentDISASSEMBLEDisassemble 3,000 Gallon Water Tank With Cold Weather EquipmentDisassemble 3,000 Gallon Water Tank With Cold Weather Equipment cont'dDisassemble Heat Trace AssemblyCHAPTER 3 OPERATOR TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES CONTAINERIZED LATRINE (CL) AND CONTAINERIZED LATRINE SYSTEM (CLS)MALFUNCTION SYMPTOM INDEX - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0181TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0183Table 1. Main Power Troubleshooting Procedures. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0184Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0185Table 2. Interior Lighting Troubleshooting Procedures.Containerized Latrine - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0187Table 3. Exterior Lighting Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 4. Hot Water Troubleshooting Procedures.Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0190Table 5. Potable Water System Troubleshooting Procedures.Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0192Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0193Table 6. Black Water System Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 7. Sump Pump Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 8. ECU Troubleshooting Procedures.Containerized Latrine - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0197Table 9. Draft Inducer Fan Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 10. Exhaust Fan Troubleshooting Procedures.Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0200Table 11. Commode Troubleshooting Procedures.CHAPTER 4 OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTERIZED LATRINE (CL) AND CONTAINERIZED LATRINE SYSTEM (CLS)SERVICE UPON RECIEPT - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0205INTRODUCTION TO PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0207CLEANING - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0208Waste Holding TankLEAKAGE DEFINITIONS FOR OPERATOR PMCSPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0211Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0212Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Containerized Latrine (CL) & Containerized Latrine System (CLS) - cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0213Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0214Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Containerized Latrine (CL) & Containerized Latrine System (CLS) - cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0215Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0216Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Containerized Latrine (CL) & Containerized Latrine System (CLS) - cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0217Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Containerized Latrine (CL) & Containerized Latrine System (CLS) - cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0218Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0219LUBRICATION INTERVALS - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0220Operator Maintenance Containerized Latrine (CL) Conternerized Latrine System (CLS) CL/CLS Modified Cosntainer Service, Replace CLS ShownReplace the Urinal StrainerINTERIOR WALLS AND PANELS REPAIRCURTAINS REPLACEReplace ChainsFLUORESCENT LIGHT BULBS REPLACEContainerized Latrine - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0230Replace Fluorescent Light Bulbs (Containerized Latrine System (CLS))Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0232GROUNDING ROD ASSEMBLY INSPECT, REPLACE Inspect the Grounding Rod AssemblyFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0235Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0236Replace the Grounding Rod AssemblyReplace the Grounding Rod Assembly cont'dFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0239Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0240WASTEWATER TANK SERVICE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0241Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0242Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0243WASTEWATER TANK SERVICE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0245Clean Waste Holding Tank #2 During Waste Evacuation cont'dHOSE ASSEMBLY INSPECTFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0248ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT (ECU) INSPECT, SERVICE, REPLACE Inspect the Sealeze BrushesSERVICE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0251Replace ECU FilterCOMMODE ASSEMBLY SERVICEFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0254CABINET DOORS DOORSFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0256COLD WEATHER EQUIPMENT INSERT, REPLACEFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0258Inspect Re-circulating HosesInspect the Bag Heater AssemblyInspect the Heat Trace CableInspect the Dark CoverReplace the Heat Trace Hose AssemblyFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0264Replace the Bag Heater AssemblyReplace Re-circulating HoseReplace a Dark CoverCHAPTER 6 UNIT MAINTENANCE TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES CONTAINERIZED LATRINE (CL) AND CONTAINERIZED LATRINE SYSTEM (CLS)MALFUNCTION SYMPTOM INDEX - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0271TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0273Table 1. Main Power Troubleshooting Procedures. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0274Table 2. Water Supply Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 3. Hot Water Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 4. Water Pump Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 5. ECU Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 6. Sump Pump Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 7. Drainage Plumbing Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 8. Commode Troubleshooting Procedures.CHAPTER 6 UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINERIZED LATERINE (CL) AND CONTAINERIZED LATRINE SYSTEM (CLS)SERVICE UPON RECIEPT - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0285INTRODUCTION TO PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0287LEAKAGE DEFINITIONS FOR UNIT PMCSPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0289LUBRICATION INTERVALS - TM-10-4510-209-13-P02904-INCH COUNTERSUNK PLUG REPLACE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0291MODIFIED FOLDING STEPS REPLACEDISPENSERS REPLACEFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0296Replace Paper Towel DispenserReplace Toilet Paper Dispenser (CL only)Replace Toilet Paper Dispenser (CLS only)FLOOR MAT REPLACEFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0302TIEDOWN PROVISIONS REPLACEReplace Deck Tie Downs (CL only)HOOKS AND BRACKETS REPLACEReplace BracketsGENDER SIGNS INSPECT, REPLACEReplace the Gender SignReplace the Gender Sign Snap Tight FastenerDRAFT INDUCER FAN TEST, REPLACEFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0312Replace the Draft Inducer FanReplace - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0314EXHAUST FAN TEST, REPLACETest the Exhaust Fan cont'dReplace Exhaust FanFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0318DOOR HINGE AUTO CLOSE ADJUST, REPLACEAdjust Door Closing SpeedAdjust Door Latching SpeedAdjust BackcheckAdjust Hold Open ArmReplace Door Closing MechanismFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0325ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TEST, REPLACE Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0328Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0329Test Water Pump Switch (CLS only) and Interior Light SwitchFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0331Test Sump Pump SwitchTest Replace Toggle SwitchFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0335Replace Water Pump Switch (CLS only) and Interior Light SwitchFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0337Replace Sump Pump SwitchBALLAST REPLACEReplace Ballast cont'dFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0341Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0342EXTERIOR INCANDESCENT LIGHT ASSEMBLY TEST, REPLACETest the Exterior Light FixtureReplace Light BulbReplace Light FixtureFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0347ELECTRICAL OUTLETS TEST, REPLACETest Exterior GFCI Outlet (CLS only) cont'dTest Electrical Panel Convenience Outlets (CLS only)Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0352Test Interior GFCIFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0354Test Water Supply Pump Outlet (CLS only)Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0356Test ECU OutletFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0358Test Sump Pump OutletFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0360Replace Exterior GFCI Convenience Outlet (CLS only)Replace Electrical Panel Convenience Outlet (CLS only)Replace Interior GFCIReplace Water Supply Pump Outlet (CLS only)Replace ECU OutletReplace Sump Pump OutletFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0367P-TRAP SERVICE, REPLACEFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0370Replace the P-TrapsWASTEWATER TANK SERVICE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0373Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0374HOSE ASSEMBLY REPLACEReplace Damaged HosesENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT (ECU) TESTFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0378ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT (ECU) REPLACE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0379Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0380ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT (ECU) OPENING REPLACEDoor Assembly BraceReplace the Slam LatchReplace the Ball TransferCOMMODE ASSEMBLY REPLACEReplace Commode Operating Pedal cont'dReplace the Water ModuleFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0388Replace the Flange SealFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0390Replace Commode, Thetford Aqua Magic Galaxy Model (CL only)Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0392Replace Commode, Thetford Bravura ModelFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0394FAUCETS SERVICE, REPLACEFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0396Replace FaucetFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0398WATER HEATER ASSEMBLY TEST, REPLACEFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0400Replace StrapFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0402Replace the Heater ElementFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0404Replace the Hot Water HeaterReplace the Hot Water Heater cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0406Replace the Hot Water Heater cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P040730 GPM INTERNAL WATER PUMP ASSEMBLY TEST, SERVICE, ADJUST, REPLACE Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0410Test Power CordFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0412Test Water Pump Pressure TankFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0414Test the Water Pump MotorFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0416Service the 1 -inch Y StrainerFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0418Service Water Pump Pressure TankFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0420Adjust Pressure SwitchFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0422Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0423Replace Brass FittingsReplace Pressure Gauge - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0425Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0426Replace Power CordFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0428Replace the Pressure Tank - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0429Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0430Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0431Replace the Pressure Switch - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0432Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0433Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0434SUMP PUMP ASSEMBLY TEST, REPLACE Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0436Replace Sump PumpReplace Sump Pump cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0438Replace Sump Pump cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0439Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0440COLD WEATHER EQUIPMENT TESTFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0442Test the Extension CordTest the Heat Trace CableTest the Bag Heater AssemblyCHAPTER 7 DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE CONTAINERIZED (CL) AND CONTAINERIZED LATRINE SYSTEM (CLS)MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES4-INCH COUNTERSUNK PLUG REPLACE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0451CIRCUIT BREAKER ASSEMBLY TEST, REPLACETest Circuit Breaker cont'dFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0455Replace Circuit BreakerFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0457POWER ENTRY PANEL TEST, REPLACETest Power Input Receptacle cont'dTest Power Entry Receptacle Assembly (Wiring Harness)Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0462Replace Power Input ReceptacleReplace Power Entry Receptacle Assembly (Wiring Harness)Replace Power Entry Receptacle Assembly (Wiring Harness) cont'dFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0466POWER INPUT RECEPTACLE TEST, REPLACETest Power Panel Receptacles cont'dReplace ReceptacleContainerized Latrine (CL) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0470Replace Power Panel Wire HarnessReplace Power Panel Wire Harness cont'dFRESH-WATER PIPES REPAIR, REPLACEReplace Flex HoseReplace PVC Ball ValvesFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0476Replace a Spigot (Boiler Drain Valve)Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0478ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL UNIT (ECU) REPLACE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0479Replace ECU cont'dFigure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0481Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P048230 GPM WATER PUMP ASSEMBLY REPAIR, REPLACE Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0484Replace the Freshwater Pump - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0485Replace the Freshwater Pump cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0486Replace the Freshwater Pump cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0487Replace the Freshwater Pump cont'd - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0488Replace the Freshwater Pump cont'd Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0490Figure - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0491WASTEWATE VALVE ASSEMBLY REPAIRRepair the Blackwater Valve Assembly cont'dBACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE TEST, SERVICE, REPLACETest Operation of Pressure Differential Relief ValveSERVICE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0497SERVICE cont'dREPLACE - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0499CHAPTER 8 SUPPORTING INFORMATION CONTAINERIZED LATRINE (CL) AND CONTAINERIZED LATRINE SYSTEM (CLS)REFERENCES - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0503MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) INTRODUCTION - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0505Remove/InstallExplanation of Columns in the MAC - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0507Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0508MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0509Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart for CL/CLS Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0510Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart for CL/CLS Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0511Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart for CL/CLS Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0512Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart for CL/CLS Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0513Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart for CL/CLS Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0514Table 1. Maintenance Allocation Chart for CL/CLS Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0515Table 2. Tools and Test Equipment Requirements for CL/CLS.REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (RPSTL) INTRODUCTION - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0517EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE REPAIR PARTS LIST AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST WORK PACKAGES - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0518Maintenance Code - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0519Recoverability Code - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0520Recoverability Code cont'dEXPLANATION OF CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES WORK PACKAGES FORMAT AND COLUMNS - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0522HOW TO LOCATE REPAIR PARTS - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0523Figure 1. Modified Cargo Container - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0526GROUP 01 MODIFIED CARGO CONTAINERFigure 2. DispensersGROUP 0103 DISPENSERSFigure 3. CurtainsGROUP 0104 CURTAINSFigure 4. ChainsGROUP 0105 CHAINSFigure 5. Floor MatFigure 6. Tiedown ProvisionsFigure 7. Hooks and BracketsFigure 8. Countersunk PlugsGROUP 0109 COUNTERSUNK PLUGSFigure 9. Gender SignsFigure 10. ECU OpeningGROUP 0111 ECU OPENINGFigure 11. Draft Inducer FanFigure 12. Exhaust FanFigure 13. Door Hinge Auto CloseFigure 14. MirrorsGROUP 0115 MIRRORSFigure 15. Power Entry PanelGROUP 0201 POWER ENTRY PANELFigure 16. Circuit Breaker Assembly Sheet 1 of 2Figure 16. Circuit Breaker Assembly Sheet 2 of 2GROUP 0202 CIRCUIT BREAKER ASSEMBLYFigure 17. Interior Fluorescent Light Assembly Sheet 1 of 2Figure 17. Interior Fluorescent Light Assembly Sheet 2 of 2GROUP 0203 INTERIOR FLUORESCENT LIGHT ASSEMBLYFigure 18. Exterior Incandescent Light AssemblyGROUP 0204 EXTERIOR INCANDESCENT LIGHT ASSEMBLYFigure 19. Electrical Outlets Sheet 1 of 2Figure 19. Electrical Outlets Sheet 2 of 2GROUP 0205 ELECTRICAL OUTLETSFigure 20. Grounding Rod AssemblyFigure 21. Power CablesGROUP 0207 POWER CABLESFigure 22. Fresh-water Pipes Sheet 1 of 7Figure 22. Fresh-water Pipes Sheet 2 of 7Figure 22. Fresh-water Pipes Sheet 3 of 7Figure 22. Fresh-water Pipes Sheet 4 of 7Figure 22. Fresh-water Pipes Sheet 5 of 7Figure 22. Fresh-water Pipes Sheet 6 of 7Figure 22. Fresh-water Pipes Sheet 7 of 7GROUP 0301 FRESH-WATER PIPES - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0601GROUP 0301 FRESH-WATER PIPES - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0602GROUP 0301 FRESH-WATER PIPES - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0603Figure 23. 3K Collapsible Fabric TankGROUP 0303 3K COLLAPSIBLE FABRIC TANKFigure 24. 2-Inch Ball Valve AssemblyFigure 25. Freshwater HosesGROUP 030501 FRESHWATER HOSESFigure 26. Wastewater HosesFigure 27. 2-IN X 1 -IN ReducerFigure 28. Valve Assembly InlineGROUP 0306 VALVE ASSEMBLY INLINEFigure 29. Environmental Control Unit (ECU)Figure 30. Commode AssemblyGROUP 05 COMMODE ASSEMBLYFigure 31. Urinal AssemblyFigure 32. FaucetsFigure 33. Sink StandGROUP 08 SINK STANDFigure 34. Water HeaterGROUP 09 WATER HEATERFigure 35. 30 GPM Internal Water Pump AssemblyGROUP 10 30 GPM INTERNAL WATER PUMP ASSEMBLYFigure 36. Sump PumpFigure 37. Wastewater Valve AssemblyFigure 38. Cold Weather EquipmentGROUP 13 COLD WEATHER EQUIPMENTGROUP 99 BULKSPECIAL TOOLS LIST - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0655NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0657PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0659PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0660PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0661COMPONENTS OF ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) LISTSExplanation of Columns in the COEI List and BII ListTable 1. Components of End Item List. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0665Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0666Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0667Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0668Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0669Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0670Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0671Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0672Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0673Table 2. Basic Issue Items List. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0674Table 2. Basic Issue Items List - ContinuedTable 2. Basic Issue Items List Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0676ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (AAL) - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0677Table 1. Additional Authorization List. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0678EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0679Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0680Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0681Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List Continued. - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0682GLOSSARY - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0683GLOSSARY cont'dGLOSSARY - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0685GLOSSARY - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0686GLOSSARY - TM-10-4510-209-13-P0687TM-10-4510-209-13-P - index