TM 10-4510-209-13&P
0002 00
The toilets (16) are mounted to waste holding tank #2 (5).
Water Heater
The water heater (12) provides hot water to the sinks (13).
Sump Pump
The sump pump (24) transfers blackwater from waste tank #1 (17) to waste tank #2 (5).
Waste Holding Tanks
Waste holding tanks #1 (17) and #2 (5) hold blackwater for disposal.
Documentation Holder
The documentation holder (25) holds documentation related to the CL and the CLS.
Storage Area
Both CL and CLS have a storage area (26) to hold various components. Holding clamps (27) (CLS only)
hold the shovel, broom, mop, and mop bucket in place.
Circuit Breaker Panel
The circuit breaker panel (20) is located internally above the electrical panel (7). The standard commercial
panel contains breakers protecting the internal and external circuits of the CL and CLS. Refer to WP 0004
00 for specific circuit breaker numbers and capacities as
applicable to
the CL
and the CLS.
Water Hoses and Miscellaneous Fittings (Not illustrated)
The water hoses and miscellaneous fittings provide fresh-water to, and transports blackwater from, sinks,
urinal, and toilets during CL/CLS operation.
0002 00-3