Chapter 1 Introductory Information With Theory of Operation for Containerized Kitchen (With Trailer) (CK)GENERAL INFORMATION - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0023Purpose of EquipmentNOMENCLATURE CROSS-REFERENCE LIST - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0025LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS cont'dEQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0027EQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES AND FEATURES cont'dLOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0029Figure 3. Containerized Kitchen (with Trailer) [CK], Serving Side View.Figure 4. Cook/Equipment Interface.Figure 5. Mechanical Room.Figure 6. Container Safety Certification Plate.ShelterFigure 9. Cook Center Assembly.Oven Assembly - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0036Figure 12. Hand Sink Assembly.Lighting - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0038Figure 14. Cook Center Exhaust Hood.DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MODELSTHEORY OF OPERATION - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0041LIGHTING - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0042Figure 1. CK Drainage System.SUPPORT DATA FOR REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS, TMDE, AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT CHAPTER 2 OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTAINERIZED KITCHEN (WITH TRAILER) [CK]DESCRIPTION OF OPERATOR CONTROLS AND INDICATORSPower Distribution Panel - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0050Main Control Panel - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0051Figure 3. Main Control Panel.MBU ConverterMBU Control PanelAppliance Control Box - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0055Cook Center VentilationMobile Warming Cabinet - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0057Figure 11. ECU Control Switch.Figure 12. Oven Controls.OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0061Unpacking the Mechanical RoomFigure 1. CK Jacks.Figure 2. Corner Jack Installation.Leveling the Container on the TrailerFigure 4. Shelter Expansion.Fabric Erection Serving WingTable 1. Contents of Shelter Frame Bags.Figure 7. Arch Frame Inserted into Arch Cups.Figure 9. Doorway Support Installation.Fabric Erection Food Preparation WingMechanical Room SetupFigure 11. Awning Installation.Platform InstallationEnergizing the CK from the Onboard GeneratorEnergizing the CK from External PowerAppliance and Equipment RelocationFigure 13. Ceiling Raceway Electrical Connections.Appliance and Equipment Relocation cont'd - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0079Appliance and Equipment Relocation cont'd - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0080Ceiling Light InstallationWater and Drain System StartupWater and Drain System Startup cont'dKITCHEN OPERATIONKITCHEN PACKOUT AND PREPARATION FOR TRANSPORTPreparation for PackoutTable 2. Loose Item Packout List.Table 2. Loose Item Packout List Continued.Tray Pack Heater - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0089Oven Assembly - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0090RefrigeratorsHand Sink Assembly - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0092Refrigerator Tie-DownJack RemovalMechanical Room PackoutMechanical Room Packout cont'dADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONSOperation in Snow, Ice, or Extreme ColdDraining the Water SystemEMERGENCY PROCEDURESChapter 3 TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES FOR CONTAINERIZED KITCHEN (WITH TRAILER) [CK]MALFUNCTION/SYMPTOM INDEX - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0103MALFUNCTION/SYMPTOM INDEX - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0105TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES (ELECTRICAL SYSTEM)Table 1. Troubleshooting Procedures (Electrical System) ContinuedTable 1. Troubleshooting Procedures (Electrical System) - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES (MODERN BURNER UNIT)Table 1. Troubleshooting Procedures (Modern Burner Unit) ContinuedENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONSTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES (HAND SINK ASSEMBLY)Table 1. Troubleshooting procedures (Hand Sink Assembly) - ContinuedKITCHEN APPLIANCE MALFUNCTIONSTable 1. Troubleshooting Procedures (Kitchen Appliances) - ContinuedCHAPTER 4 OPERATOR/UNIT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES FOR CONTAINERIZED KITCHEN (WITH TRAILER) [CK]SERVICE UPON RECEIPT - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0121PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0123LUBRICATION - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0124Table 1. Before Operation PMCS for CKTable 1. Before Operation PMCS for CK - Continued - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0126Table 1. Before Operation PMCS for CK - Continued - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0127Table 1. Before Operation PMCS for CK - Continued - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0128Table 2. During Operation PMCS for CKTable 2. During Operation PMCS for CK ContinuedTable 3. After Operation PMCS for CKUNIT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESFigure 1. CK Winch CableFigure 2. Tie-down Provision Orientation.Winch Cable RemovalWinch Cable Replacement - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0137Winch Removal/Replacement ProceduresFigure 3. Preparation Side CK Winch Installed/CableFigure 4. Winch Installation (Cable Omitted For Clarity)Figure 5. Winch Uninstalled (Socket Installed)Winch Replacement cont'dExterior Drain Hose ReplacementFabric Side ReplacementFabric Side Replacement cont'dREPAIR - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0146MECHANICAL ROOMElectrical PowerFigure 2. Air Conditioner Sequential Status.Figure 3. Air Conditioner Terminal Boards.Figure 4. MBU Converter Styles.Exhaust FanPower SupplyInstallCOOK CENTERFigure 1. Cook Center Fuel Lines.Figure 2. Cook Center 24 VDC MBU Cable Assembly.OVEN ASSEMBLY - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0159Fan AssembliesFigure 1. Oven Fuel Line and Power Cable Assemblies.MOBILE WARMING CABINET - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0163CastersFigure 2. Mobile Warming Cabinet Maintenance.Figure 3. Cabinet Module.REFRIGERATORFigure 1. Refrigerator Interior.Figure 2. Swivel Caster Replacement.TRAY PACK HEATER - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0171REPLACE - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0172HAND SINK ASSEMBLY - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0173TEST - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0174Sink Assembly Top RemovalPump AssemblyMOBILE STORAGE CABINETSELECTRICAL SYSTEM - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0179Power Distribution Panel - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0180Appliance Control Box - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0181Figure 2. Appliance Control Box.Main Control Panel - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0183Lighting FixturesCHAPTER 5 DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES FOR CONTAINERIZED KITCHEN (WITH TRAILER) [CK]DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESOVEN ASSEMBLY - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0189TRAY PACK HEATER - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0191SHELTER ASSEMBLY/MECHANICAL ROOMFigure 1. Air Conditioner Repair.Chapter 6 Supporting Information for Containerized Kitchen (With Trailer) [CK]SCOPE - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0197PAMPHLETS - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0198INTRODUCTION FOR MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC)Maintenance Functions cont'dExplanation of Columns in the MAC - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0201Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0202MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0203Table 1. MAC for CK Continued - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0204Table 1. MAC for CK Continued - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0205Table 1. MAC for CK Continued - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0206Table 1. MAC for CK Continued - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0207Table 2. Tools and Test Equipment for CKINTRODUCTION TO REPAIR PARTS & SPECIAL TOOLS LIST - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0209Source Code - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0210Source Code cont'd - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0211Maintenance Code - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0212Recoverability Code - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0213EXPLANATION OF CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES WORK PACKAGES FORMAT AND COLUMNS - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0214Associated PublicationsINTRODUCTION TO REPAIR PARTS & SPECIAL TOOLS LIST - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0216Figure 1. Container.GROUP 01 SHELTER ASSEMBLY CONTAINERFigure 2. Winch/Cable Assembly.GROUP 01 SHELTER ASSEMBLY WINCH/CABLE/SHELTER FRAME ASSEMBLIESFigure 3. Jacks.GROUP 01 SHELTER ASSEMBLY JACKSFigure 4. Mechanical Room Assemblies (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 4. Mechanical Room Assemblies (Sheet 2 of 2)GROUP 02 MECHANICAL ROOMFigure 5. ECU Control Box And Mode Switch.ECU CONTROL BOX AND MODE SWITCHFigure 6. Air Discharge DuctsAIR DISCHARGE DUCTSFigure 7. Air Conditioner.AIR CONDITIONERFigure 8. Intake and Exhaust Fan InstallationINTAKE AND EXHAUST FAN INSTALLATIONFigure 9. Fuel Line Assembly.GROUP 03 COOK CENTER REPAIR PARTS - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0239Figure 10. 24 VDC Power Cable Assembly.GROUP 03 COOK CENTER REPAIR PARTS - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0241Figure 11. Oven Assembly.GROUP 05 OVEN ASSEMBLYFigure 12. Oven Fan Assembly.OVEN FAN ASSEMBLYFigure 13. Fuel Line Assembly.FUEL LINE ASSEMBLYFigure 14. 24 VDC Power Cable Assembly.24 VDC POWER CABLE ASSEMBLYFigure 15. Mobile Warming Cabinet.GROUP O6 MOBILE WARMING CABINETFigure 16. Refrigerator.GROUP 07 REFRIGERATORFigure 17. Tray Pack HeaterGROUP 08 TRAY PACK HEATERFigure 18. Heater Fan Assembly.HEATER FAN ASSEMBLYFigure 19. Hand Sink Assembly.GROUP 09 HAND SINK ASSEMBLYFigure 20. Mobile Storage Cabinet.GROUP 10 MOBILE STORAGE CABINETFigure 21. Prep/Serving Table.GROUP 11 PREP/SERVING TABLEFigure 22. Power Entrance Panel.GROUP 12 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM POWER ENTRANCE PANELFigure 23. Power Distribution Panel.POWER DISTRIBUTION PANEL - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0283Figure 24. Main Control Panel.MAIN CONTROL PANEL - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0285Figure 25. Appliance Control Box.APPLIANCE CONTROL BOX - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0287Figure 26. MBU Power Switch Assembly.MBU POWER SWITCH ASSEMBLYFigure 27. Ceiling Light Fixed.CEILING LIGHT - FIXEDFigure 28. Ceiling Light Removable.CEILING LIGHT REMOVABLEGROUP 99 BULK MATERIALSPECIAL TOOLS LIST - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0297NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0299NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0300PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0301PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0302PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0303COMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSCOMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) LISTTable 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0307Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0308Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0309Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0310Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0311Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0312Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0313Table 1. Components of End Item List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0314Table 2. Basic Issue Items List. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0315Table 2. Basic Issue Items List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0316Table 2. Basic Issue Items List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0317Table 2. Basic Issue Items List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0318Table 2. Basic Issue Items List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0319Table 2. Basic Issue Items List Continued. - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0320ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (AAL) - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0321EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0323TOOL IDENTIFICATION LIST - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0325MANDATORY REPLACEMENT PARTS - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0327WIRING DIAGRAMS - TM-10-7360-226-13-P0329Figure 1. Wiring Diagram, ECU Controller.Figure 2. Wiring Diagram, ECU A/C Primary.Figure 3. Wiring Diagram, Current Transducer.Figure 4. Wiring Diagram, Power Entrance Panel.Figure 5. Wiring Diagram, Power Distribution Panel.Figure 6. Wiring Diagram, Main Control Panel.Figure 7. Wiring Diagram, Lighting System.Figure 8. Wiring Diagram, Miscellaneous Circuits.Figure 9. Wiring Diagram, Appliance Control Box.TRAILER OPERATIONSFigure 2. ISO Lock (shown unlocked).Figure 3. Mounting the CK on the Trailer.TM-10-7360-226-13-P - index