TM 10-8400-201-23
Shoulder loops. Restitch or replace loose, missing, or defective shoulder loops. Whenever the outer
facing of a shoulder loop shows unacceptable defects, reverse and place on opposite shoulder if possible,
provided shade of the fabric matches Fabricate replacement shoulder loops from cloth conforming to the
basic material of the garment.
Lining. Repair holes, tears, or other defects in linings by darning or patching. Darn any small holes or
tears before any patches are sewn on. Darn and cover holes at armholes with a patch of lining material in
the shape of a sweat shield with the raw edges turned in and felled to armhole and lining.
Slide fastener. Replace missing or damaged slide fasteners of the type prescribed in Section III.
Hangers and button loops. Replace or resew missing or loose hanger loops with like material.
Buckles. Replace missing or damaged buckles with the type prescribed in Section III.
After cleaning and repairs have been accomplished, resize items according to sizes listed in the appropriate table (tables
9-1 through 9-3). When garments vary in size from original markings, obliterate old marking and mark proper size with
indelible pencil or waterproof ink. When measurements do not correspond to a size listed, relabel to nearest breast and
back-length size. For example, if the coat measures 22 inches in the half-breast and 29-13/16 inches in the back, mark
in the coat label "size 40". Coats in good wearable condition should not be sent to the Property Disposal Officer because
the back and breast measurements are off fractions of an inch.
All work shall be accomplished by personnel skilled in the particular trade applicable to their duties in the repair of the
subject items. Patches will be tightly sewn and all reseaming will be secure and free of loose or broken thread. Buttons
will be securely and properly attached. The finished Item shall be complete, clean, well repaired, and free from all
defects affecting its serviceability and appearance.
The inspection or quality control unit is responsible for determining compliance with repair Instructions and requirements
for classification. In-process inspection will be performed for quality of workmanship and correct application of repair
procedures. The completed item will be inspected for serviceable condition and appearance to insure against return of
substandard product to supply channels.