TM 10-8400-201-23
a. ITEM CLASSIFICATION CODES. Refer to the table below for explanation of codes used to classify items
by degree of serviceability.
New and unused property possessing original appearance and serviceability.
Serviceability as to be acceptable for issue or sale in lieu of class A like-new property.
(1) Items peculiar to the clothing allowance system will possess a high degree of appearance
and serviceability. These items affect the personal appearance of the individual and should be in
such condition as to be readily acceptable for issue and cash sale purposes. In no case should the
wear expectancy be less than 75 percent of a like-new item.
(2) Items of organizational clothing and equipage will possess such appearance and degree
of serviceability as to justify their issue to troops and afford a satisfactory military appearance. As
a guide only and where practicable for application, these items should possess not less than 50
percent of the life of a like-new item.
Unserviceable items which are economically repairable. Economically repairable items are those
which may be restored to Class B condition for not more than 65 percent (clothing) or equipage of
prices contained in current Army Master Data File.
Unserviceable items which are obviously scrap or salvage, for which any use would require a repair
cost exceeding 65 percent for clothing or equipage of the current cost of the item.
Items which do not possess the appearance or degree of serviceability to justify the classification
of B or which cannot be repaired economically for the purpose originally intended, but which can
be used as an end item (without benefit of repair) for duties which are harmful to clothing, i.e., me-
chanics, painters, construction workers, etc.
b. STANDARDS. As a general guide, classification of all clothing and equipment items will be subject to
the stipulations and limitations listed below.
(1) Items of personal clothing and footwear will be classified as new only when they show no evidence
of color fading, stains, uncleanliness, and or rotting of stitching or fabric. Each item will be complete
in every detail, and all parts properly designed and attached. A new item which has been tried on
for size purposes, or from which the tags have been removed, will not be classed as used; nor will
such items be soiled to the extent that dry cleaning or laundering is required. When dry cleaning or
laundering is required, garment will be reclassified from new to used category. Only pressing of new
garments or polishing of new leather footwear does not lower the classification.
(2) Items of personal clothing and footwear will require the following for classification in a serviceable
category (A or B):
(a) Complete state of repair. All repairs necessary to render the item completely serviceable will
have been made.
(b) Cleaned. Must be in a dean (laundered, dry cleaned, or sterilized) condition.
(c) Buttons. Replacement buttons visible on outer garments when worn should be of a size,
shape, and color like those originally affixed. Buttons which are not visible when a garment
is being worn need not be specifically of the same color but should be of the same size.