TM 10-8400-201-2312-8. LABELS - ContinuedMediumLargeLiner, Night Camouflage Parka: DesertLiner, Night Camouflage Parka: DesertChest: 37 to 41 InchesChest: 41 to 45 inchesStock No. 8415-01-102-4483Stock No. 8415-01-102-4484NATO Size: 7080/9404NATO Size: 7080/0414X-LargeLiner, Night Camouflage Parka: DesertChest: From 45 inches and upwardStock No. 8415-01-102-4485NATO Size: 7080/142412-9. WORKMANSHIPAll work shall be accomplished by personnel skilled in the particular trade applicable to their duties in the repair ofclothing. Patches will be tightly sewn and all reseaming will be secure and free of loose or broken thread. Buttons will besecurely and properly attached. The finished garment shall be complete, clean, and well repaired, and free from alldefects affecting its serviceability and appearance.12-10. INSPECTIONThe inspection or quality control unit is responsible for determining compliance with repair instructions and requirementsfor classification. In-process inspections will be performed for quality of workmanship and correct application of repairprocedures. The completed garment will be inspected for serviceable condition and appearance to insure against returnof substandard product to supply channels.Change 5 12-17
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business