TM 10-8400-201-23
Marking. Where the original instruction marking has become illegible, the following information will be
clearly printed with black marking ink on the underside of the poncho in letters 1/4 inch (0.635 cm) high:
Rain garment and ground sheet
Blanket or sleeping bag cover (snap the two long edges together)
Tent (Snap two ponchos together as side walls)
Floor (third poncho will snap Inside tent as a floor)
Two open tents will go end to end with common center pole
Repair procedure for the raincoat.
Cleaning. Raincoats will be processed in Army laundry and/or cleaning facilities in accordance with
established practices prescribed in FM 10-280 and the procedures contained on the garment label. When
such facilities are not available, raincoats will be laundered and/or drycleaned by contract with private
industry in accordance with the practices and procedures prescribed above for military facilities. Spots and
stains easily discernible at a casual glance will not be permitted. Laundering is the preferred method of
Patching and darning. Patches and darns which would be visible on the raincoat when worn are not
Buttons. Replace missing buttons by machine using appropriate matching buttons. Where buttons are
torn out, repair torn area per paragraph 13(3) of FM 10-16 so long as repair is not visible when raincoat is
Buttonholes. Reshape enlarged buttonholes by securely tacking the ends of proper fit over corresponding
buttons. Repair damaged buttonholes by stitching.
Belt loops, belt keeper, hanger and sleeve tabs. Replace or resew missing or loose belt loops, belt keeper,
hanger and sleeve tabs with matching material.
Pockets. Remove pocket linings that are badly damaged. Fabricate new linings from basic material.
Buckle. Replace damaged or broken buckles. After removing stitches and damaged buckle, thread
straight end of belt through buckle, fold back 2-3/4 ± 1-1/4 inches (6.99 ± 3.18 cm) turn under the raw edge
and stitch with two rows of stitching adjacent to each other 1-1/16 to 1/8 inch (2.70 to 0.318 cm) from edge.
Stitching and restitching. Machine sew raincoats being repaired except in emergency repair. Backstitch all
stitching at ends to prevent raveling. Properly maintain thread tension to prevent loose stitching. Use
same stitching space and type of seams as that of original construction. Restitch all seams having loose
and/or weak thread. Over-stitch thread breaks in double lock stitching, (type 401) not less than 1/2 inch
(1.30 cm) at each break. Where stitch type 401 is used, the looper, that is the under thread, shall be on
the inside of the coat. Skipped stitches of thread breaks on stitch type 401 may be repaired by using 301
stitch type.