TM 10-8400-201-231-7. INSPECTION/CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURES-ContinuedDrawers, Cold Weather, Polypropylene,No Assigned LIN1.Inspection Procedure Inspect for rips, tears, stains, discoloration, and cleanliness.2 ClassificationCode A.New and unused items that possess original appearance and serviceability.Code B.Used Items that are not suitable for Code A, but are clean, unstained, and have norancid smell or bad odor.Code F.Unserviceable items that can be laundered so that material is clean and odor free. Repairis limited to restitching of open seams onlyCode HUnserviceable items that are obviously scrap or cannot meet the criteria for Code F.Hood, Extreme Cold Weather W/LinerLIN K460581Inspection Procedure. Inspect item for rips, tears, holes, burns, oil, grease, and other contaminants.Check for missing or damaged drawstring, buttons, buttonholes, and velcro fasteners. Check liner forfraying, burned areas, dry rot, and broken or bent wires2.Classification:Code ANew and unused Items possessing original appearance and serviceability.Code BUsed items that are suitable for Code A must be complete, clean, and have no morethan 3 repaired areas and be suitable for Issue as isCode F.Unserviceable items that can be repaired by replacing drawstrings or velcro fasteners.Rips and tears can be repaired provided the hole or tear does not exceed 1 inch in lengthor diameter and no more than 3 repaired areas. Burns, dry rot, and fur damage is causefor salvage Wires can be straightened or replaced.Code HUnserviceable items that are obviously scrap or cannot meet the criteria for Code F.Jacket, Flyers, Cold Weather MA-1LIN L145671.Inspection Procedure Check for rips, tears, holes, stains, and burns. Check zippers and velcro fas-teners for damage Check cuffs and waistband for damage or fraying. Check for worn areas.2.Classification:Code A.New and unused Items possessing original appearance and serviceability.Code B.Items that are unsuitable for Code A but are clean, undamaged, unstained, and haveno more than 3 repaired areas (not including replacing zippers, velcro fasteners, cuffs,and waistband). Light fading is acceptable1-8
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business