TM 10-8400-201-23
20-7. REPAIR - Continued
Repair of 301 stitching. Ends of all stitching shall be backstitched or overstitched not less than 1/2 inch (1 25
cm) except where ends are turned under or caught In other seams or stitching. Ends of a continuous line of
stitching shall overlap not less than 1/2 inch (1.25 cm). Thread tensions shall be not less than 1/2 inch (1.25 cm).
Thread tensions shall be maintained so that there will be no loose stitching resulting in loose bobbin or top thread
or excessively tight stitching resulting in puckering of materials sewn. The lock shall be embedded in the
materials sewn. When thread breaks, skipped stitches, run-offs, or bobbin runouts occur during sewing, stitching
shall be repaired by restarting the stitching a minimum of 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) back of end of the interrupted
stitching. Except for prestitching, thread breaks of two or more consecutive skipped or run-off stitches noted
during inspection of the item shall be repaired by overstitching. The stitching shall start a minimum of 1/2 inch
(1.25 cm) in back of defective area, continue over the defective area onto the existing stitching. Loose or
excessively tight stitching shall be repaired by removing defective stitching without damaging the materials, and
restitching in the required manner When making above repairs, ends of stitching need not be backstitched.
Type 401,502,503, 515,516, and 519 Stitching. These type stitchings are repaired In the same manner as type
301, except that repairs to type 401 stitching requires both ends of all seams to have 1/2 inch (1.30 cm)
minimum chain extending beyond each end unless they are caught in a seam or other stitching.
Bartacks. Unless otherwise specified, all bartacks shall be 3/8 +1 1/16 inch (1 +10 cm) long and 1/8 +1/32 inch
(0.35 +0.10 cm) wide, and shall contain 28 stitches Bartacking shall be free from thread breaks and loose
Slide Fasteners. Replace damaged, missing, or malfunctioning slide fasteners with serviceable ones. Slide
fasteners are not seam sealed in; remove the one to be replaced and sew in a new one.
Snap Fasteners. Replace missing, loose, or damaged snap fasteners. Patch damaged area surrounding snap
fastener sockets and studs prior to attaching snap fasteners.
Drawcords and Barrel Locks. Replace missing or defective drawcords in lengths to match original construction.
Drawcord ends shall be heat seared and knotted. Refer to Table 20-6 through Table 20-8 for proper lengths.
Replace Barrel Locks as required.
Table 20-6.
Change 3