TM 10-8400-201-23
Code A.
New and unused items possessing original appearance and serviceability.
Code B.
Used items that are not suitable for Code A but are dean, undamaged, complete, have minimal
discoloration, and no more than 6 repaired areas.
Code F.
Unserviceable items that can be repaired (maximum 4 repairs and 4 inches in length). Minimal
discoloration or soiling is acceptable. Missing or damaged parts can be replaced.
Code H.
Unserviceable items that are obviously scrap or cannot meet the criteria for Code F.
Trouser, Cotton Polyester
No. Assigned LIN
Inspection Procedure: Inspect for stains, discoloration, and cleanliness. Check for unserviceable elastic
band and for loose or broken stitching. Inspect for rips, tears, and holes.
Code A.
New and unused items that possess original appearance and serviceability.
Code B.
Used items that are not suitable for Code A but are dean, unstained, undamaged, and have no
more than 2 small repaired areas.
Code F
Unserviceable items that can be repaired by sewing damaged areas of less than 1 inch. No more
than 2 repaired areas is authorized. Items must possess a professional appearance and contain
no permanent stains or discolorations. Replacement of damaged or unserviceable elastic band is
Code H.
Unserviceable items that are obviously scrap or cannot meet the criteria for Code F
Trousers, Extended Cold Weather, Camouflage
LIN: T35375
Inspection Procedure: Inspect for rips, tears, damaged or missing zippers, snaps, drawstrings and barrel
lock, and missing or damaged hook and pile fastener tapes.
Code A.
New and unused items possessing original appearance and serviceability.
Code B.
Used items that are not suitable for Code A but are dean, undamaged and have no more than 5
repaired areas.
Code F.
Unserviceable items can be repaired (maximum 5 repairs and maximum length of repairs
totaling 15 inches in length) by replacing missing or damaged snaps, drawcords, suspender,
loops and hook and pile fastener tapes. Replacement and repair of zippers is authorized.
Code H.
Unserviceable items that are obviously scraps or cannot meet the criteria for Code F.
Change 6 1-18