Materials used in the repair of the Grenade Carrying Vest will be serviceable materials recovered from similar
salvaged items, when authorized, or will be new materials as specified in Section Ill. New materials will be
requisitioned from stock under the stock numbers and/or items descriptions as listed in Section III and will
conform to the appropriate specifications. When not available from stock materials may be purchased locally
that conform as closely as possible to the standard material.
Prior to repair, each item will be inspected to determine the amount of repair necessary. Repairs will be made as
fully as skills, facilities, funds, and local conditions permit.
a. Organizational Maintenance.
(1) Cleaning. Clean off mud or other foreign matter with brush, damp or dry cloth, or scrub exceedingly
dirty areas with limited amount of water; then rinse off and dry.
(2) Repair. Make field expedient temporary repairs of small holes and cuts by use of adhesive materials
such as pressure sensitive tape. This should be done to prevent further damage.
(3) Turn in. Thoroughly clean and dry items which cannot be repaired at organizational level prior to
turning in for repair at higher level of maintenance.
b. Direct Support Maintenance.
(1) Cleaning. Remove dirt, mud, mildew and other foreign matter from subject items with a brush, or
damp or dry cloth. Launder exceedingly dirty items by hand, using a mild soap or detergent and warm
(2) Preliminary Examination, Inspect the items for weakened areas, holes, tears, open seams, and
missing hardware. Test for weakness by applying pressure on the areas in question and attempting to
tear the material. Mark weakened areas found with tailors crayon. Inspect items for condition of all
hardware and mark where repair or replacement is required.
(3) Repair. Use repair procedures described in TM 10-269, Repair of Canvas and Webbing, in conjunc-
tion with these instructions as applicable.
(a) Stitching. Use machine stitching for all sewing. Re-sew loose, broken or defective stitches using
thread specified in Table 8-1. Maintain proper tension to prevent loose stitches and backstitch
breaks and ends not less than 1 inch (2.54 cm) to prevent raveling. Use the following types of
stitches, thread size and stitches per inch for sewing.
TM 10-8400-203-23