TM 10-8400-203-23
(2) Repair. The repair of skis (Type l), snowshoes, and accessories under normal conditions is usually of
an emergency type consisting of tightening and/or replacing screws, steel edge, and bindings. To
facilitate repair, the following items are necessary: repair kit, ski, replacement components, and
(a) Ski poles. Keep the steel point of ski poles sharp by filing. Turn in damaged poles for replacement.
(b) Bindings.
1. Binding Placement Instructions.
a. Use a tape to measure the ski in a straight line from the tail of the ski to the tip (Fig. 9-7).
b. Divide the total distance in half (which gives you your center or mid-point); half of a 82 3/4
inches (210 cm) ski, for example, would be 41 3/8 inches (105 cm). Always measure from
the tail of the ski (Fig. 9-7 and 9-8).
c. Mount the binding so that the swivel point of the toe piece is on the mid-point of the ski
(Fig. 9-9).
d. In mounting the toe piece, insure that it is centered with the long axis of the ski.
a. Use the toe piece, front throw, and cable guides (side hitches) as templates in marking
holes to be drilled. Locate the binding parts as shown in Fig. 9-9.
b. Center punch holes before drilling.
c. Use sharp drills to prevent walking, keep points centered, and drill at 90° angle to prevent
oversize holes.
d. Use the right size drill for the screws used in mounting the various parts of the binding.
e. Bindings are installed using high quality hardened sheet metal screws. Do not use a
screw which is too long; it will act as a jack and separate the various laminations or pierce
the bottom. When you have a screw that is not short enough, grind the point off to the
desired length. Do not force a sheet metal screw into too small a hole as it will cause the
top skin to lift and not take a good seat, (skis constructed with metal topskin). Countersink
screw hole slightly. Use some form of lubricant on the screw before insertion. Wax is
effective and will help seal the hole against water seepage. When installing bindings on
fiberglass skis, it is imperative that holes be countersunk through the top plastic.