TM 10-8400-203-23
12-6. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF PACK (NSN 8465-00-753-6547) Continued
(b) Cut a piece of felt the size of the piece removed. Position felt plug and sew according to details in
A, Figure 12-6. Use Model 111W155 sewing machine or equivalent and size FF nylon thread,
making 7 to 9 stitches per inch (2.54 cm). Lockstitch at least 1/2 inch (1.27 cm).
(c) If damage is in an area that cannot be sewed by machine, tack felt plug securely to cotton duck as
shown in B, Figure 12-6, using doubled and waxed ticket No. 5 nylon thread. Secure thread ends
on felt side of container with a suitable knot.
c. Replacing Felt End Panel,
(1) Cut stitching, and remove damaged end panel.
(2) Cut a 12-inch by 13-inch (30.5 by 33.0 cm) piece of 1/4-inch (0.635 cm) thick felt, and position it on
inside of container as in original construction. Stitch new panel to container, M of an inch (0.635 cm)
from edge of panel, using Model 111W155 sewing machine or equivalent with size FF nylon thread.
Sew 7 to 9 stitches per inch (2.54 cm), and Iockstitch at least 1/2 inch (1.27 cm).
(3) Turn container right side out, and restitch loosened webbing according to original construction, using
same machine, thread, and stitch range as in b(5)(b) above,