TM 10-8400-203-23
a. General. The harness (Fig. 12-11) consists of a type 1 cotton duck body and flap, a network of securing
and suspension straps made of type Vlll nylon webbing and appropriate items of hardware, and a push
pull actuator assembly. The release assembly (Fig. 12-12) is made up of push-pull actuator assembly with
release knob, a keeper pin with a type IV nylon webbing strap, a left and right-hand fastener and a type X
nylon webbing quick-release strap equipped with a snaphook at one end and a quick-release quick-fit
connecting link at the other end,
b. Repairing Duck Fabric.
General. The cotton duck fabric in the harness may be restitched or darned. These are the only
repairs authorized.
Restitching. Restitch loose or broken stitching on lowering line pocket flap and ties with Model
111WI 55 sewing machine or equivalent and ticket No. E nylon thread, making 7 to 11 stitches per inch
(2.54 cm). If stitching that secures lowering line pocket to harness is damaged, restitch with Model
7-33 sewing machine or equivalent and ticket No. 3 nylon thread. Make 5 to 8 stitches per inch (2.54
cm). Lockstitch at least 1/2 inch (1.27 cm).
Darning. There is no limit to darns if it does not weaken or reduce the original strength of the cloth
more than 10 percent. Darn holes or tears that do not exceed 1 inch (2.54-cm) in length or diameter
with Model 47W70 darning machine or equivalent and ticket No. E nylon thread. Darn long narrow cuts
and tears with Model 17W15 sewing machine or equivalent and ticket No. E nylon thread. Set the
machine to permit the stitching to include at least 1/8 of an inch (0.318 cm) of undamaged material on
each side of cut or tear. Sew back and forth until damaged area has been restored to original strength.
Sew at least 1/4 of an inch (0.635 cm) beyond each end of cut or tear.
c. Replacing Lowering Line Pocket, Pocket Flap and Pocket Tie.
(1) Pocket. Replace a damaged lowering line pocket as follows:
Cut stitching and remove damaged pocket from harness. If pocket flap is not damaged, remove
flap from pocket.
Cut a piece of type I cotton duck material to the dimensions shown in A, Figure 12-13. Make
selvaged edge of material the 8 3/4 inch (22.2 cm) end of pocket.
Align corner (1) with corner (2), and sew aligned sides together 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) from edge. Sew
corner (3) to corner (4) in the same manner.
Turn pocket right side out, and position pocket flap (1) above on pocket so that right edge of flap is
1 1/2 inches (3.81 cm) from right edge of pocket, and bottom of flap is 3/4 of an inch (1.91 cm) below
selvaged edge. If necessary, fabricate a flap as shown in (2) below.