TM 10-8400-203-23
Figure 14-1. Belt, Individual Equipment.
(2) Female and male belt fastener, sliding keeper.
(a) Removal. Remove damaged or missing female or male fasteners, a sliding keeper, or an
adjuting buckle by sliding them out from the end of the webbing.
(b) Replacement.
Replace damaged or missing fastener(s) or sliding keeper according to
original construction using items 2, 3, 4, or 5, figure 14-1.
(3) Strap. Replace a damaged strap by fabricating as follows:
(a) Cut bartack
(b) Cut a 7-inch
sear ends.
stitching which secures the strap on the belt and remove the original strap
length of 1-inch wide, Type III webbing using item listed in Section III, and