b. Repair
Rips and tears. Repair rips and tears of one inch (2.54 cm) or less by darning in greatest dimension.
Patch rips, tears, and holes exceeding one inch (2.54 cm) with a single patch of nylon cloth specified
in Section Ill. Cut the patch of sufficient size to extend at least 1/2 inch (1 .27 cm) beyond the hole or
area to be patched, allowing for a 3/8 inch (0.95 cm) turn under. Place the patch on the outside and sew
it 1/8 inch (0.32 cm) from the edge of the patch using size E or F thread and type 301 stitching. Cut away
the damaged area to a square or rectangular shape, depending upon the shape of the repaired area.
Turn the raw edges under 3/8 inch (0.95 cm) and sew 1/8 inch (0.32 cm) from the edge. When Webbing
Straps are frayed or worn, replace them with material specified in Section Ill in the appropriate lengths
listed in Table 40-5.
Stitching and restitching. Repair all stitches, seams and stitchings, except barracking, on the vests
and packs using stitch type 301 conforming to the specifications found in FED-STD-751 and Table
20-1. Seam allowances will be maintained with seams sewn so that no raw edges, runoffs, twists,
pleats, puckers, or open seams occur. Overedge stitching will be 3/16 to 1/4 inch (0.47 to 0.63 cm) gauge.
Repair of type 301 stitching. Ends of all stitching, except box and box-x, shall be backstitched or
overstitched not less than 1 inch (2.54 cm) except where ends are turned under in a hem or held down
by other seams or stitching. On box and box-x stitching, all ends shall be backstitched or overstitched
1/2 inch (1.27 cm) minimum. Ends of a continuous line of stitching shall overlap not less than 1/2 inch
(1.27 cm). Thread tensions shall be not less than 1/2 inch (1.27 cm). Thread tensions shall be
maintained so that there will be no loose stitching resulting in puckering of materials sewn. The lock
shall be embedded in the materials sewn. When thread breaks, skipped stitches, run-offs, or bobbin
runouts occur during stitching, the stitching shall be repaired by restarting the stitching a minimum of
1 inch (2.54 cm), or 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) for box and box-x stitching, back of the interrupted stitching.
Except for prestitching, thread breaks of two or more consecutive skipped or run-off stitches noted
during inspection of the item shall be repaired by overstitching. The stitching shall start a minimum of
1 inch (2.54 cm), or 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) for box and box-x stitching, in back of defective area, continue
over the defective area onto the existing stitching. Loose or excessively tight stitching shall be
repaired by removing defective stitching without damaging the materials, and restitching in the
required manner. When making above repairs, ends of stitching need not be backstitched.
Bartacks. Unless otherwise specified, all bartacks shall be as follows:
(a) 1/2 + 1/16 inch (1 .27 + 0.1 cm) long x 1/8 ± 1/32 inch (0.32 ± 0.1 cm) wide containing 28 stitches
(b) 3/4 ± 1/16 inch (1 .91 ± 0.1 cm) long x 1/8 ± 1/32 inch (0.32 ± 0.1 cm) wide containing 42 stitches
(c) 1 + 1/16 inch (2,54 + 0.1 cm) long x 1/8 + 1/32 inch (0.32 + 0.1 cm) wide containing 42 stitches
(d) 2 ± 1/16 inch (5.08 ± 0.1 cm) long x 1/6 ± 1/32 inch (0.32 ± 0.1 Cm) wide containing 80-84 stitches
Barracking shall be free from thread breaks and loose stitching.
TM 10-8400-203-23