TM 10-8400-203-23Section Ill. MATERIALS - ContinuedFIG.NO.21-221-221-221-221-221-221-221-221-221-221-221-2ITEMNO.34567891011121314SMRCODEPAFZZPAFZZPAFZZPAFZZXBFZZPAFZZPAFZZPAFZZPAFZZPAFZZPAFZZPAFZZ21-24Change 6NSN5325-01-069-05788305-01-062-70508465-01-286-5352DESCRIPTIONEyelet, Brass, Black. Conforming to BBE117of MIL-E-20652/1. Source: Stimpson Co.,Inc., BayPort, NY 11705.Washer, Brass, Black. Conforming to BBW101, of MIL-E-20652/1. Source: StimpsonCo., Inc., Bayport, NY 11705.Fastener, Slide (Water Repellent Treated)Tape, Continuous chain acceptable. Con-forming to Type I, Style 18, Size H ofV- F-106, (FSCM 81348) Source: YKK(U. S. A.) Inc., Nescaminny InterpIex, Suite209, Trevose, PA 19047.Webbing, Textile, Bulked Nylon, 1 inch wide,OD-7, Type Ill. Conforming toMIL-W-43668.Cloth, Duck, Nylon. Conforming to CL-5 ofMIL-C-43734. Source: West Point Pepper-ell, PO Box 76, West Point, GA 31833.Screw, Truss Heal, 0.25 x 20 UNC-0.50 long,CRES, Black Chromat Finish, US Army Na-tick Drawing 2-6-27 (FSCM 81 337) ITWNexus Torso Track Screw, (FSCM 02768)Source: ITW, 230 Gerry Dr., Wood Dale, IL60191.Webbing, Textile, Polypropylene, Type Ila,CL-2, 1 1/2 inches wide. Cut to 15 1/2 in-ches long. Conforming to MIL-W-44040.Fastener, Quick Release, 1 inch wide, USArmy Natick Drawing 5-10-47 (FSCM81337) ITW Nexus or equivalent (FSCM02768) PN SR-1 Source: ITW, 230 GerryDr., Wood Dale, IL 60191.Loop and Clip, Type IV Class B. Conformingto MlL-H-9890.Buckle, Nonslip, Quick Release, Type XIV.Conforming to MIL-H-9890.Pad, Posture. US Army Natick Drawing2-6-64 (FSCM 81337)Buckle, 3 Bar Adjuster 2 inches wide, Acetal,Back. US Army Natick Drawing 2-6-29(FSCM 81337) lTW Nexus Triglide, (FSCM02768) Source: ITW 230 Gerry Dr., WoodDale, IL 60191.EAEAYDYDEAYDEAEAEAEAEAUNIT OFI S S U E
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