TM 10-8400-203-23
Repair of the carrying bag consists of patching, restitching the seams, replacing the web handles, and slide fastener.
Replacement items are shown in Figure 23-10 and the item numbers correspond to the materials listed in Section Ill.
Figure 23-10. Replaceable Items on Carrying Bag
a. Restitching the seams.
(1) Remove all loose or broken threads from the seams to be restitched.
(2) Use the types of stitches, thread size and stitches per inch as shown in Table 23-9 below.
b. Replacement Of Webbing And Fasteners.
Webbing, straps, and slide fastener are obtained from bulk stock. Cut each item from the correct material
(Section II)I) and to the same length as the item to be replaced,
Fuse the cut ends of webbing and straps before assembling for stitching. The method used to fuse the
webbing and strap ends shall provide sufficient heat to form a smooth uniform edge.
Using care not to damage attached fabric, cut away defective item by using a sharp edged tool or other
suitable device.
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