TM 10-8400-203-23Change9 25-13d. Organizational/Field Maintenance. Minor repairs, such as small tears in the outer fabric cover, may be performed in thefield using rigger’s tape.e. Direct/Intermediate Level Support Maintenance. Minor repairs, such as small tears in the outer fabric cover, may beperformed using a patch made of the fabric material and adhesive. (Marine Corps) All other repairs must be performedby the manufacturer.f. SAPI Replacement. The SAPI should be marked unserviceable when:(1) The outer cover is damaged exposing the black ceramic tile material, or(2) The SAPI is cracked or loose pieces rattling around can be heard when the SAPI is shaken, or(3) The composite back face is delaminated and the individual fabric piles are separating.25-8LABELSa. OTV. If the stock number and size designation on the identification label or the instruction label is in such conditionthat it is apparent that it will not retain legibility when subjected to wear after re-issue, a new label should beincorporated by removing the old label and replacing it with a new label. Replacement labels can be purchasedindividually from the manufacturer and must be ordered by size.Sample Label:SIZE: X-LARGECHEST: 45" - 49"INTERCEPTOR OUTER TACTICAL VEST (OTV) OutershellTHE INTERCEPTOR OTV WITH ALL SOFT BALLISTIC PANELSINSTALLED PROVIDES PROTECTION FROM FRAGMENTATION AND9mm SUBMACHINE GUN OR LESSER THREATS. THIS VESTDOESNOTPROTECT AGAINST KNIVES OR SHARP OBJECTS.CLEANINGINSTRUCTIONSDO NOT MACHINE WASH OR DRY. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESEINSTRUCTIONS MAY DESTROY YOUR VEST.1. Remove dirt from outer surface using a cloth or soft bristle brush.2. Remove ALL ballistic panels and the Small Arms Protective Inserts(SAPI)from the OTV Outershell and the component carriers. SoftBallistic panels are cleaned ONLY by removing loose dirt from thesurface and wiping clean with a moistened cloth or soft brush.Avoid submerging the panels in water, DO NOT bleach, DO NOTmachine wash, DO NOT dry clean, DO NOT apply solvents to theBallistic panels. If Ballistic panels become wet allow to air dry in aflat position away from heat sources and out of direct sunlight. Ifballistic panel becomes saturated with liquids such as gasoline,bleach, or other lubricants, turn in for replacement as soon aspossible.3. Hand wash OTV base vest and component outershells only in coldor lukewarm water, using mild detergent or soap. DO NOT USECHLORINE BLEACH, YELLOW SOAP, CLEANING FLUIDS ORSOLVENTS, WHICH WILL DISCOLOR OR DETERIORATE THEITEM.4. Rinse the outershells thoroughly in clean, lukewarm water5. Air dry indoors, or in shade, AWAY FROM HEAT SOURCES.6. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DYE ITEMOR FIX DISCOLORATIONS.TURNINYOURVEST/BALLISTICPANELSIF:1. They have been hit by fragment or bullets.2. The outer cover is torn or damaged beyond repair.3. The vest is a?bunched and lumps cannot be flattened.4. The Velcro cannot be closed completely or repaired.5. The webbing is torn or damaged beyond repair.6. The vest can no longer be adequately cleaned, or is discolored.7. The vest has broken stitching, buckles, or snaps.
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business