TM 10-8400-203-23
Mattress, Insulated, Air
LIN M17642
lnspection Procedure: Check for rips, tears, dry rot, holes, missing plugs, or damaged air valve. Inflate the mattress
and check for small tears and holes. Check to determine if the mattress has been filled with water. Inspect for seam
separation and excessive delamination.
Code A. New and unused items that possess original appearance and serviceability.
Code B.
Used items that are not suitable for Code A but are clean, undamaged, have no more than 6 repaired
areas (patches), and have not been filled with water.
Code F. Unserviceable items that can be repaired (no more than 6 repairs and maximum length of repair 1
inch), or by replacing plugs. Mattresses that have been filled with water or have dry rot are not repair-
able. Seam separation ardor excessive delamination is not repairable.
Code H.
Unserviceable items that are ObvIOUSIY scrap or cannot meet the criteria for Code F.
Pack and Harness Assembly, Parachutists Indlvidual Equipment; Chapter 12
LIN N48077
Inspection Procedure: Inspect each item for holes, tears, separated seams, frayed webbing, broken or missing
hardware, missing felt, properly lubricated hardware (dry lubricant only). Inspect for mildew, rot or cracks.
Code A.
Code B.
Code F.
Code H.
New and unused items possessing original appearance and serviceability.
Items that are not suitable for Code Abut are complete and acceptable for issue as is. The items will
be free from mildew or rot. The webbing will be free of frays and tears. The hardware will be free of
corrosion and slide easily when activated.
Unserviceability items that can be repaired by no more than eight repairs to the pack assembly (maxi-
mum length of repair is 18 inches) and 5 repairs to the harness assembly.
Unserviceable items that are obviously scrap and cannot meet the criteria for Code F.
1-16 Change 6