TM 10-8415-209-10TM 8415-10/2CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONSSection I. GENERAL INFORMATION1-1. SCOPE. This manual describes proper use of the various Individual Chemical Protective Clothing items.1-2. MAINTENANCE FORMS AND PROCEDURES. Department of the Army forms and procedures used formaintenance will be those prescribed by DA Pam 738-750 ( The Army Maintenance Management System(TAMMS)) (Maintenance Management UPDATE).1-3. DESTRUCTION OF ARMY MATERIEL TO PREVENT ENEMY USE. Refer to TM 750-244-3 for destructionof materiel to prevent enemy use.1-4. REPORTING EQUIPMENT IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS (EIR). If your Individual ChemicalProtective Clothing needs improvement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the user are the only one who can tell1-1
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