CHAPTER 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATION FOR MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITSOPERATOR MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS GENERAL INFORMATIONCORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (CPC)PREPARATION FOR STORAGE AND SHIPMENTTable 1. Nomenclature Cross-Reference List.Table 2. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms Continued.OPERATOR MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATATable 1. Military Mountaineering Kits (MMKs) Item List.Table 1. Military Mountaineering Kits (MMKs) Item List. - ContinuedTable 1. Military Mountaineering Kits (MMKs) Item List. - ContinuedAnchor, Ice, ScrewAnchor, Rock, ChockAnchor, SnowAxe, IceBelay Device, MountaineeringCarabiner, Non-LockingCase Storage, HAMK/SIMK/MACK-GM/MACK-MMHammer, MountaineeringLadder, EscapeProbe, AvalancheProtectors, CramponProtectors, SpikeRope Cutter, ElectricRope, Kernmantle, 10-millimeter (Dynamic Climbing Rope, Army Use)Rope, Kernmantle, 7-millimeter (Accessory Cord, Marine Use)Rope, Kernmantle, 11-millimeter (Static Installation Rope, Marine Use)Snowshoe, Assault, MilitaryWebbing, Mountaineering, Type I and IIFigure 38. Webbing, Mountaineering, Type II.Table 2. Equipment Data. - ContinuedTable 2. Equipment Data. - ContinuedTable 2. Equipment Data. - ContinuedOPERATOR MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS THEORY OF OPERATIONCHAPTER 2 - OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITSOPERATOR MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS DESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR CONTROLS AND INDICATORSFigure 2. Electric Rope Cutter On-Off Switch.Figure 4. Avalanche Transceiver, Back & Front View.Axe Protector & Crampon ProtectorsFigure 3. Pick Protector.OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS MMK MOUNTAINEERING HARNESS TYPE I DONNING/DOFFINGFigure 2. Hold Harness by Waist Belt.Figure 5. Tighten Harness Waist Strap.Figure 6. Check Leg Strap Tightness.OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS MMK MOUNTAINEERING HARNESS TYPE II DONNING/DOFFINGHold Harness by Waist Belt & Step through Waist Belt into Leg Loops.Pull Up Harness & Tighten Harness Waist Strap.Figure 6. Check Leg Strap Tightness.OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS MMK CRAMPON DONNING/DOFFINGFigure 3. Anti-snowballing Plates Seated Properly.Figure 4. Crampon Adjustment Bar and Straps.1. Pull quick-release tab to loosen buckle, and remove strap.Attaching Snowshoe Tail & Snowshoe StrapsFigure 3. Heel-Raise Tab.OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS MMK AVALANCHE TRANSCEIVER DONNING/DOFFINGDONNING & DOFFINGOPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDTIONS MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITSCHAPTER 3 OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITSOPERATOR MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INTRODUCTIONOver Age ItemsOPERATOR MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for MMKs - ContinuedTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for MMKs - ContinuedTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for MMKs - ContinuedTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for MMKs - ContinuedOPERATOR MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS TRANCEIVER BATTERIES REPLACEOPERATOR MAINTENANCE MMK AVALANCHE TRANSCEIVER TESTFigure 2. Front of Transceiver.OPERATOR MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS CRAMPON REPAIR4. Remove the crampons from the vise.OPERATOR MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS ICE AXE REPAIRFigure 1. Ice Axe.OPERATOR MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS ICE SCREW REPAIROPERATOR MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS CAMMING DEVICE CLEANINGDry the cams thoroughly; then lubricate IAW WP 0026.FIELD MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS ROPE CLEANINGOPERATOR MAINTENANCE ROPE CUTTING6. Turn off the rope cutter, and then unplug the rope cutter.OPERATOR MAINTENANCE MMK SHOVEL DISASSEMBLE/ASSEMBLEOPERATOR MAINTENANCE MMK AVALANCHE PROBE ASSEMBLE/DISASSEMBLEFigure 1. Mechanical Ascender Orientation.OPERATOR MAINTENANCE MMK MOUNTAINEERING PULLEY INSTALLFigure 2. Front View of Pulley.OPERATOR MAINTENANCE MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS CAMMING DEVICE LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSCHAPTER 4 - SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITSOPERATOR SUPPORTING INFORMATION MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS REFERENCESOPERATOR SUPPORTING INFORMATION MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS COMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) LISTSTable 1. Components of End Item List (COEI) for SMLK.Table 1. Components of End Item List (COEI) for SMLK. - ContinuedTable 1. Components of End Item List (COEI) for SMLK. - ContinuedTable 1. Components of End Item List (COEI) for SMLK. - ContinuedTable 1. Components of End Item List (COEI) for SMLK. - ContinuedTable 1. Components of End Item List (COEI) for SMLK. - ContinuedTable 1. Components of End Item List (COEI) for SMLK. - ContinuedTable 1. Components of End Item List (COEI) for SMLK. - ContinuedTable 1. Components of End Item List (COEI) for SMLK. - ContinuedTable 1. Components of End Item List (COEI) for SMLK. - ContinuedTable 2. Components of End Item List (COEI) for HAMK.Table 2. Components of End Item List (COEI) for HAMK. - ContinuedTable 2. Components of End Item List (COEI) for HAMK. - ContinuedTable 3. Components of End Item List (COEI) for ACTK. - ContinuedTable 3. Components of End Item List (COEI) for ACTK. - ContinuedTable 3. Components of End Item List (COEI) for ACTK.Table 3. Components of End Item List (COEI) for ACTK. - ContinuedTable 4. Components of End Item List (COEI) for SIMK.Table 4. Components of End Item List (COEI) for SIMK. - ContinuedTable 5. Components of End Item List (COEI) for MACK-GM.Table 5. Components of End Item List (COEI) for MACK-GM. - ContinuedTable 5. Components of End Item List (COEI) for MACK-GM. - ContinuedTable 6. Components of End Item List (COEI) for MACK-MM.Table 6. Components of End Item List (COEI) for MACK-MM. - ContinuedTable 6. Components of End Item List (COEI) for MACK-MM. - ContinuedTable 6. Components of End Item List (COEI) for MACK-MM. - ContinuedTable 6. Components of End Item List (COEI) for MACK-MM. - ContinuedTable 6. Components of End Item List (COEI) for MACK-MM. - ContinuedTable 6. Components of End Item List (COEI) for MACK-MM. - ContinuedOPERATOR SUPPORTING INFORMATION MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING KITS EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LISTTable 1. Expendable and Durable Items List. - Continued.