TO 14P3-1-102
TM 10-8470-202-13
heaviest. Maximum weight difference is approximately
been tested for use with parachutes and is usable in
three pounds per plate, between the aluminum oxide
other aircraft that do not employ ejection seats. This
and the boron carbide. Silicone carbide is an
body armor consists of a nylon cotton cloth outer cover
intermediary material in weight. This item is available in
with fragmentation protective nylon felt shoulder pads.
three sizes as shown in Table I: Short, regular and long.
Pockets in the front and back of the carrier
Weight varies from approximately 13 pounds to 30
accommodate rigid ceramic armor plates. The plates
pounds depending upon size, type of ceramic and
have a covering of ballistic nylon for use as a spall
whether protection is for front only, or front and back.
shield. Additional spall protection is provided by a 1/2
inch layer of ballistic nylon felt which is permanently
affixed inside the shell to cover the ceramic plate. Non-
mobile crew members, such as pilots and copilots
normally use the outer shell with armor plates in the
front pockets only. Mobile crew members, such as
This armor was designed for ground troops
gunners, crew chiefs, etc., use both front and back
armor plates. Three different types of ceramic armor
Army and Air Force crew members in various aircraft in
plates are available for this vest (see Table I):
SEA. The vest consists of a ballistic filler consisting of
12 plies of ballistic nylon cloth in the front, 10 plies of
a. Aluminum Oxide.
ballistic nylon in the back and 6 plies of ballistic nylon in
a collar around the neck. The ballistic filler is sealed in a
b. Silicon Carbide.
vinyl envelope for protection against moisture (which
causes a loss of protective qualities in "soft" armor).
c. Boron Carbide.
The vest is a front closure, slide fastener design and has
elastic laces on both sides.
All three ceramics offer the same level of
protection; .30 caliber armor piercing or equivalent at 0
2-11. This item is available in four sizes:
degree obliquity, 100 yards range. However, boron
carbide is the lightest material, while aluminum oxide is