quirements are arranged, as nearly as possible, according to the
manner in which they will be performed.
b. The inspection intervals designated herein will not be
exceeded except in actual operational emergencies as
explained herein.
It is the commander's responsibility to
determine (on an individual basis) when inspection intervals
may be exceeded. For this purpose, operational emergencies
are conditions of combat, or conditions of disaster which
necessitate flight to evacuate aircraft or personnel. Since safety
may be jeopardized when inspections are delayed to meet
emergency requirements, commanders will assure that delayed
inspections are accomplished immediately upon termination of
the actual emergency. When unusual local conditions of
environment, utilization, mission, experience of maintenance
personnel, periods of inactivity, etc., are encountered, the ALSE
NCO/officer will, at his discretion, increase the scope and/or
frequency of maintenance or inspections as necessary to insure
4. Special Information. The columns headed P and C are
used to indicate the requirements for Preflight and Calendar
inspections respectively. The calendar inspec-