TM 55-1680-350-10
It you are on land, the sea marker can be used in rivers,
streams, or lakes to attract rescue attention.
2-27. Fire Starter
The Fire Starter (29, fig. 21) is a magnesium bar with a sparking insert located on
one side Use a knife or other hard surface to scrape shavings off the magnesium
side Make a pile of magnesium shavings in the center of a nest of tinder With a knife
or other hard metal object. strike the sparking insert side of the her with a downward
motion to create sparks which should be directed onto the pile of magnesium
shavings. For tire building and maintaining various types of cooking and heating
fires, follow the instructions in the survival manual (AFM 64-5 or FM 21-76) If the
magnesium bar is inadvertently dropped into the fire, it will not explode or flare up
2-28. Saw, Hand, Finger Grip
Do not exert heavy pressure or put the blade in a bind.
This may cause the blade to bend or break.