TM 55-1680-351-10
Table 3-2.
Recommended Voice Operating Practices
Originating Call (AN/PRC-90)
Probable Reply
"CQ rescue craft, CQ. CQ,
None or "Roger, roger,
CQ. Over."
roger." Read you five by five
(or other signal report).
If no reply received, continue
to call "CQ" on voice or MCW
at intervals until reply is
"Roger, roger. Crew status
"Roger. Your transmission
follows. Over." (Report
understood. Standby for
crew physical status, miss-
reply. Out." (Or other
ing crew members, and any
pertinent reply).
emergency logistics or
medical requirements.)
"Roger. Out."
Operating and Storage Limitations
Operation of the AN/PRC-90 will span a wide range of weather
extremes. Although the AN/PRC- 90 circuits are operable over a
temperature range of - 30
to + 50
C. (- 22° to + 122° F.), the battery (BA-
1568/U) power supply is only effectively operable over a 0
to + 54
to + 129
F.) temperature range. Operating at low temperature
reduces battery life. The AN/PRC-90 (less the battery) may be stored
over a temperature range of -60
to +60
to +140