SB 740-94-8
(a) Requirements.
3. Immerse the complete gun into
the water and observe for air bubbles.
1. No valve
4. Remove the gun nozzle from
the water and actuate the trigger in a few short bursts,
2. Smooth trigger movement.
noting the smoothness of the trigger movement. A
3. The lips of the safety must be
rough or "jerky" movement indicates binding of the
able to hold the trigger in the full forward (safe) position.
trigger assembly, absence of lubricant, or a twisted
(b) Equipment Required. A regulated
rubber tube.
air pressure source (90 psig) and a water tank with a
5. Repeat the leakage test by
wetting agent in the water.
immersing the gun nozzle into the water and attempting
(c) Procedure.
to depress the trigger with the safety mechanism
1. Follow the instruction in TM 3-
engaged. Do not force the safety latch. Observe for
1040-220-12 to assemble the gun group.
2. Connect a regulated pressure
6. Disassemble and dry the gun
source of 75 5 psig to the gun.
group and return serviceable guns to storage.