NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
Avionics Grade, MIL-C-81309 Type III (Volume IV or
V, Chapter 2), to all areas of the relay or circuit breaker,
Corrosion (tarnish) removal is required on
avoiding contact and mating areas.
most types of contacts. Tarnish acts as an
insulator on contacts. The sliding-type contact
has a self-cleaning action, and tarnish removal
is not required if a bright surface area is
visible. Relay and circuit breaker contact areas
circuit breakers, it is necessary to ensure
are usually plated with a highly conductive
metal. Care should be taken not to remove this
contact points and mating surfaces.
plating surface. If the plating is removed, exposure
of the base metal will cause corrosion and the
Solvent, Degreasing
a. Heavy corrosion and tarnish shall be removed
by rubbing contact surfaces with Typewriter Eraser.
Large contact areas may be cleaned using Eraser,
(2) Wipe the contact points and mating surfaces
with Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46 Class 7 (Volume IV or
b. Medium to light corrosion and tarnish shall be
removed by rubbing contact surfaces with Eraser,
Solvent, MIL-PRF-680 Type III (Volume IV or V,
contact areas may be cleaned using Eraser, Ruby Red
Preventive Compound. Wipe with Isopropyl Alcohol,
TT-I-735 (Volume IV or V, Chapter 2). This is necessary
or contacts will not function electrically.
6-3.7. S W I T C H E S . Switches shall include all
Alcohol, Isopropyl
cam-operated toggle, rotary, interlock, and pushbutton
types. Remove corrosion and treat as follows:
c. Rinse contacts with Isopropyl Alcohol, TT-I-735
circuit breaker assembly with Acid Brush, A-A-289,
Alcohol, Isopropyl
hard-to-reach areas to assist in swabbing residue.
d. Wipe relay or circuit breaker assembly with
Solvent, Degreasing
Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46 Class 7 (Volume IV or V,
a. Apply Isopopyl Alcohol, TT-I-735 (Volume IV or
e. Relays and contacts shall be preserved as
Compound, Corrosion Preventive
b. Wipe with Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46 Class 7
(1) Apply a thin film of Water Displacing
Corrosion Preventive Compound, Ultra-Thin Film,