01 March 2005
NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
b. Remove corrosion and tarnish with Typewriter
dischargers can result in poor performance of the
taken not to remove thin plating from the surfaces.
operation of instruments, and potential electrical shock
to personnel. When found to be damaged or corroded,
the static wick dischargers should be replaced as
Alcohol, Isopropyl
c. Clean residue with Isopropyl Alcohol, TT-I-735
(Navy) Av-DEC gasket installation requires
authorization from the cognizant type/model/
series engineering authority for the aircraft.
Brush Typewriter, A-A-3077 Style T (Volume IV or V,
These procedures are applicable to all static
dischargers except in accordance with aircraft
d. Remove residue with Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46
specific technical manuals. The mounting
bases of static dischargers can vary in shape
and size. The following installation procedures
e. Rinse affected area with Isopropyl Alcohol,
are typical and should be used on all static
dischargers allowing the use of a gasket.
with Cleaning Cloth, CCC-C-46 Class 7, (Volume IV or
V, Chapter 2). This step will assist in removing water.
a. Remove and discard old static discharger wick
and mounting base plate. Utilization of the radial
bristle disc generates dust particles that may contain
chromates from primers. Eye and respiratory protection
Exercise care when using Hot Air Gun near
is required when operating this tool.
p l a s t i c materials. Excessive heat may
decompose the plastic and/or change its
b. Clean and remove paint and corrosion from the
electrical characteristics.
aircraft surface and static wick discharger mounting
base in accordance with Volume II (Navy and Army) or
f. Air dry or dry with Hot Air Gun, A-A-59435
TO 1-1-691 (Air Force), with radial bristle disc being
preferred removal method.
g. Preservation, where circuit function will not be
affected, shall be as follows:
Compound, Aircraft Cleaning
c. Thoroughly clean treated area with Cleaning
Compound, Corrosion Preventive
Cloth, CCC-C-46 Class 7 (Volume IV or V, Chapter 2)
moistened with Cleaning Compound, MIL-PRF-85570
Type II (Volume IV or V, Chapter 2) (Air Force can use
MIL-PRF-87937 Type II or IV (Volume V, Chapter 2)),
(1) Apply a thin film of Water Displacing
using a dilution of nine (9) parts water to one (1) part
Corrosion Preventive Compound, Ultra-Thin Film,
cleaner. Rinse thoroughly until a water break-free
Avionics Grade, MIL-C-81309 Type III (Volume IV or
surface is obtained. Allow to air dry. If water break-free
surface is not obtained,