NAVAIR 01-1A-509-3
01 March 2005
TM 1-1500-344-23-3
TO 1-1-689-3
compound around outside edge of static discharger
mounting base to form a water tight seal.
Coating, Chemical Conversion
d. Where corrosion products were abrasively
Compound, Corrosion Preventive
removed, the affected surfaces shall be treated with
Chemical Conversion Coating, MIL-DTL-81706 Class
3 with the Alodine Touch 'n Prep Pen (Volume IV or V,
j. Cover fastener heads with Corrosion Preventive
Chapter 2) as preferred treatment method. If the Touch
Compound, MIL-PRF-16173 Grade 4 (Volume IV or V,
'n Prep Pen is used, only one coat should be applied
and the treated surface does not require rinsing or
wiping off and can be air or forced air dried. Allow
k. Allow sealant to cure for one-half hour, then
coated surfaces to dry before proceeding.
remove any excess sealant from aircraft skin using a
e. Remove conductive gasket from the protective
packaging. Exercise caution not to fold or bend the
6-3.17.2. Alternate Method For Static Discharger
material. Remove release film from the side of the
Installation Method. This method is to be used only
gasket marked "antenna side" and position over the
when conductive gaskets (paragraph 6-3.17.1) are not
static discharger mounting base. Beginning at one
authorized or available.
side or the comer of the mounting base, place gasket
into position, carefully aligning gasket holes with the
mounting base fastener holes. Release film should
remain on exposed aircraft side of gasket until just
Utilization of the radial bristle disc generates
prior to installation of the static discharger mounting
dust particles that may contain chromates
base to the aircraft surface.
from primers. Eye and respiratory protection is
required when operating this tool.
f. Remove release film from the "aircraft side" of
the gasket. Align fasteners at correct locations on the
a. Clean and remove paint and corrosion from the
aircraft surface. Tighten each fastener one or two
aircraft surface and static wick discharger mounting
turns to hold the static discharger mount in place on
base in accordance with Volume II (Navy and Army) or
the aircraft. Secure static discharger mount to aircraft
TO 1-1-691 with radial bristle disc being preferred
by torquing each fastener in accordance with the
removal method.
specific aircraft technical manual.
g. Install new static discharger wick.
Compound, Aircraft Cleaning
discharger mounting base and aircraft structure in
b. Thoroughly clean treated area with Cleaning
Cloth, CCC-C-46 Class 7 (Volume IV or V, Chapter 2)
i. For maximum corrosion protection, apply an
moistened with Cleaning Compound, MIL-PRF-85570
outer edge seal, thixoflex gray sealant (Volume IV or
Type II (Volume IV or V, Chapter 2) (Air Force can use
V, Chapter 2), with 50 cc Injectable Sealant Application
MIL-PRF-87937 Type II or IV (Volume V, Chapter 2)),
using a dilution of nine (9) parts water to one (1) part
SAE-AMS-3277 Fast Cure Sealant (Volume IV or V,
cleaner. Rinse thoroughly until a water break-free
surface is obtained. Allow to air dry. If water break-free
surface is not obtained, reclean area with dilution of
with Nozzle (Volume IV or V, Chapter 3) and Retainer
four (4) parts water to one (1) part cleaner. Rinse
Sleeve (Volume IV or V, Chapter 3) if using 2 1/2 oz.
thoroughly to obtain water break-free surface and
c a r t r i d g e . Mix sealant in accordance with
allow to air dry.
manufacturer's instructions and form a fillet of sealing