TM 1-1680-354-10
Dye Marker. The fluorescein dye marker (See Figure 2-75) consists of a yellow, vinyl, resin-coated pouch with
an attaching tape. The fluorescein dye is a powder and is contained inside the pouch. To use the dye marker,
pull the tab on the top of the pouch and dunk it in the water. The water will turn a fluorescent green which will
spread on the surface. The color will last about 20 to 30 minutes. In rough seas, the dye will dissipate at a faster
rate. It is visible for 10 miles at 10,000 feet, producing a good size target for rescue aircraft.
Use the dye only during daylight.
To conserve the dye marker, DO NOT release the packet contents until you are certain that a
rescue aircraft is known to be in the immediate area. If on land, the dye marker may be used
in rivers, streams, or lakes to attract rescue attention.
Figure 2-75. Dye Marker
Desalter Kit. The sea water desalter kit (See Figure 2-76) converts salt water to suitable drinking water. The kit
consists of a metal or plastic outer container, eight chemical packets, a plastic processing bag, and a tape used
to mend holes in the plastic bag.
Never drink salt water, body fluids of fish, or urine. The high salt content of these liquids can
cause severe sickness or death if consumed in sufficient quantities.
To desalt one bag of water, proceed as follows:
Ensure the valve on the plastic bag is closed.
Fill the bag with salt water to the dark line located near the 16-ounce mark on the bag.
Remove one pack of chemicals from the container and close the container. Remove the outer wrapper
from the chemical pack and place the chemical pack into the bag of water.
Fold the top of the plastic bag down tightly and roll the folded top toward the fastener. Secure the fastener
to make a watertight seal in the bag top.