TM 1-1680-354-10
Sharpener, General Purpose. The general-purpose sharpener (See Figure 2-66) is used to sharpen knife blades
or sharpen a piece of aircraft skin to make a knife.
Figure 2-66. Sharpener, General Purpose
as. Stone, Sharpening. Figure 2-67 illustrates the sharpening used to keep the knife edges sharp. When using the
sharpening stone stroke the knife blade against the stone in a continuous motion. Keep the stone wet to remove the
fine steel shavings formed by the sharpening process.
Figure 2-67. Stone,Sharpening
at. The Optional Liner/Bag (See Figure 2-68) can be used to line the tent or as a sleeping bag.
Figure 2-68. Tent Liner/Sleeping Bag
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