TM 1-1680-361-10
0003 00-1
0003 00
The A/P22P-18(V) AIRSAVE survival vest is designed to replace all
current Army survival vests. The AIRSAVE was designed to be
usable in all rotary wing and non-ejection seat fixed wing aircraft
communities. The type I vest includes a removable hoisting harness
and detachable stowage pockets which permit various configurations
of survival items and equipment.
The type I vest is designed for use by all aircrews in conjunction with
the aircrew armor assemblies. The vest may be worn with the soft and
hard body armor systems. The .30 caliber plates must be worn with
soft armor. The .50 caliber hard armor must be worn without soft
armor. The survival vest may be worn without any armor. The two-
way plastic slide fastener on the front allows the vest to be opened
from either the top or bottom for easier access for armor disconnect.
The Army Helo CBR Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) unit is
attached to the crewmembers upper left shoulder on the vest. The
Army Apache configuration has the NBC unit attachment strapped to
either the left or right arm.
For over-water missions, the LPU-34/P Low Profile Flotation Collar
(LPFC) is attached to the survival vest. The SRU-36/P Helicopter
Emergency Egress Device (HEED) is carried in the HABD pocket of
the vest to provide on-demand breathing air supply in case of egress
under water.