TM 1-4220-250-12&P
4.5.1 PMCS Procedures. Table 4-1, PMCS, lists the inspections and services required to keep the equipment in good
operating condition.
The Item No. Column gives the order in which the PMCS shall be performed in numerical order.
The Interval Columns tells you when to do a certain check or service.
The Item to be Checked or Serviced Column lists the items to be checked.
The Procedure Column tells how to do the required checks and services.
The Not Fully Mission Capable If Column states the criteria by which the equipment cannot be used until corrective
maintenance has been performed.
4.5.2 Inspection Intervals. Upon completion of the following inspection, DA Form 2408-21 (Life Raft Inspection
Record) shall be initiated/updated in accordance with DA PAM 738-751.
The service life for inflatable survival equipment shall be determined by
condition rather than age. Equipment passing required inspections shall remain in
service indefinitely, since inflation tests and inspections by using activities clearly
show leakage caused by abrasion, porosity, deterioration, etc.
The Preflight Inspection shall be performed prior to each flight by the aircrew member to whom the life raft is
assigned, or by ALSE personnel prior to issuance to crewmember.
All LRU-18/U decapitalize letters as required life rafts and containers shall be subject to the initial inspection prior
to placing in service. The inspection cycle thereafter shall be every 360 days. In no case shall the interval exceed
366 days for the LRU-18/U. The functional test shall be performed prior to placing the LRU-18/U life raft in ser-
vice, during every inspection cycle, and whenever an inflation assembly is replaced. The leakage test shall be per-
formed during every inspection cycle. Unless operational requirements demand otherwise, the life raft inspection
shall be performed by ALSE personnel.
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